Hitherto Unknown Secrets !

what is intuition ?
Sutra :  Shunyam saamyasamucchaye !
(a_1 x +b_1) / px +q_1 + (a_2 x+b_2) / (px+q_2) = (a_3 x +b_3) / px +q_3 +  (a_4 x + b_4) /  (px+q_4)
Solution: -x = (q_1+ q_2)/2p
example 2
find roots
Sudheendra teertharu has written special treatise on shulva sutras , kalpa vedanga
now , in example 2 .
we have seen an answer
now let us understand what is intuition that people normally attribute to an astrologer
some people
as soon as they are given a problem [ horoscope ]
some adrushya shakti
[ it can be kshudra shakti too ]
whispers in an ear the solution
[ for example , when will I get married asks one person :
astrologer does not look at horoscope or any calculation  he just closes eyes and waits for the whisper
and then he tells 28th year 7 th month ]
for some this becomes accurate , they will say ASTROLOGER is great , he has told exact time of my marriage
but did astrologer use SHASTRA ?
he has used KSHUDRA SHAKTI
such usage is prohibited in shastra
Varahamihira says consulting such astrologers gives Naraka ad BAHUDUKHA in future
such astrologers who use kshudra shakti are always always born illicit to bramhanas SO says SMRITIMUKTAVALI
some others who have never studied astrology or are just started to study astrology just TRY TO TELL SOMETHING which comes to their mind
without application of brain or theory
they may sometimes say
SOME what close to 27th year you will get married
these types of astrologers are known as NAKSHATRA SUCHAK [ soothsayers ]
most of them will say IF they get it RIGHT  oh my intuition is stro
some starters  will say now a days I get feeling in mind IT ALMOST comes true
[ these types think NOW whatever they think would become true
and suddenly one fine day ask genuine astrologers now a days I am feeling a strange , I am falling from sky , will I die ?]
if we observe both the above types of astrologers are THEMSELVES not sure
what  will be outcome of their prediction ,
EVERYTIME they will say something and wait if it will become true IS their INTUTION correct ?
what is intuition 
NOTHING but hallucination
true Shastra is NOT knowing end result
but in knowing how you get that result from original equation , how to solve the equation
more expertise and THAT which gives HARI preeti is in knowing which SUTRA gives this solution and how to apply it
when one has siddhi of sutra EVEN he gets such instantaneous answer in a flash
but that is siddhi BECAUSE he knows from where this answer has come
AND HE IS 10% sure that yes this is the RESULT
he will not wait for OUTCOME to happen to confirm his prediction
INSTEAD he will say THSI will happen fro sure
Smritimuktavali written by Krishnacharya shishya of SHRI RAGHAVENDRA SWAMIji
also his this grantha is approved by RAYARU
says ONE must not invite NAKSHATRA SUCHAK for Shraddha
it destroys Shraddha phala
one must not partake food along with them for he carries immense sins paap with him ..which cannot be absolved in a day by any japa
SO one muts enevr visit quack astrologers even if he says accurately by kshudra upasana or by conquering a KARNApisachini
One must always approach satvik astrologers who are RAYAR upasaks , who know hari sarvottam  vayu jeevottam tattva
WHO tell jyotishya by APPLYING  Sutras and not by closing eyes and telling blindly
such astrologers attain bramha loka
what are qualities of an astrologers ?
shastra is always reliable. Then whom should we consult. According to Parashara rishi :
astrologer should be a pious man with clean habits ,a good looking with well proportioned limbs,smiling and rich in appearance,pleasing manners, excellent grasp on language,never falling short of words , expert in mathematics ,geology,astrophysics knowing clearly the 10 types of movements of planets ,well versed in the philososphy,mantra shastra,rituals ,puranic lore, he should have excellent grip of the existing socio-political geographical and economic conditions of the place and time he is delivering the predictions. Above all this he should be able to create the confidence in the people that ‘\yes here my problem would be solved\’ . Such a persons’ words never fail .

Comments on: "Intution – is it valid ?" (2)

  1. arunadevi56 said:

    Om namo naaraayanaaa. Srirama bhakta hanuman ki jai. Sadgurudevobhava.
    Guruji I am sending my younger son. Date of birth. He is telling he is in love with some girl. She is not belong brahmin and also bigger than my son. We are not wishing our son to marry her. We prefer our son to marry a good girl belong to our feletives . my husband is performing sri rama ashtottara pooja daily for our sons marriage. Please tell how is his destiny. Hari om. My son name is Sriram Date of birth is. 4th November 1989


  2. Rajiv Sabharwal said:

    Sri Hari,
    Guru ji Astrologers with qualities described by Parashar Rushi ji are rare these days. Problem is that if you are in trouble and want solution for that only quack astrologers are easily available and in reach. But still we will work on that and try to be in contact with an appropriate person.


Dear Readers , If you are asking a query , Kindly do not forget to worship SRIMAN NARAYANA and HANUMANJI and then write a number within 1800 followed by single digit number [ within 1-8 ] ,kindly Give time and current Place where you are asking query from ! , followed by number of virtual beetle leaves ,nuts and fruits you would like to give astrologer , and clear place ,time and date of birth . [take your hands off keyboard ] TOUCH a BODY part and kindly mention which part of the body Your hand is touching [ sprishtanga ] .... state your problem clearly , let us know what is it that your are looking for without ambiguity ! start and end with salutation to HARI ! If above procedure is not adhered to ,then no answers will be given !

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