Hitherto Unknown Secrets !

Posts tagged ‘Stotra’

Rayar Mahima !

Surya Stuti !

aadityadeva tvatpaadyugaLke abhi- vaadanav maaLpe anudina| anudinadi sajjanar vyaadhigaL kaLedu sukhaviyo || SangnyaramaNa ninage vignyapisuvenu s- arvgnya neenendu sarvatra | sarvatra yenage bra-mhajnana bhakuti karuNiso || Sureegamyane vaak shareerbuddheejvaad-paar doshagaLa yenisade | yenisade bhagavanta- naradhaneyanittu karuNiso ||

the above is SURYA stuti everyone can recite this it is very powerful because its vyakhyaana is very detailed .. i encompasses CHANDOGYA UPANISHAT BHaashya , it details GAYATRI importance …and also it highlights KARMA sakshitva of SURYA antargat NARAYANA. So this is no ordinary prayer .. it does what all mantras put together gives.


Hey aditya dev surya dev! I daily do namaskaara to your two feet , kindly remove the diseases of SUJEEVI [ mokshyogya jeevas ] and grant the dehasaukhya [ physical health , bodily felicity]

For all saajna engaged in MOXa sadhana NAvagraha anugraha is very essential .. Grahantargat VISHNU is main subject/focus of PRAYER Chandogyaupanishat says ” Asau vaa adityo devamadhu ” , this is how MADHU vidya starts …here ADITYAnatargat VISHNU is only MADHU namak paramatma ..

MADHu means SUKHASHRAYA ie one who bestows happiness . SO continuous upasana [ swayogya ] if it has to be successful and result into happiness for that good HEALTH is required .. , ROGA is known as UPADRAVA [ a obstacle ] and also deerghayushya is REQUIRED ..[ LONGEVITY] apamrutyu should not bring ABRUPT end to SADHANA .. we have 12 adityas for 12 months .

. EVEN MADHWACHARYA in his bhashya says ” Adityanaam Prarthanena tadgam mrytyumapanudet “ that By worshipping SUn ADITYAs one must avoid /overcome Diseases ,apamrutyu [ parihaar]. the above vyakhyana clearly says ONE must be inclined to DO SADHANA , but for that one requires GOOD HEALTH and HAPPINESS and PEACE of MIND .. for this one must do MADHU namak Parmatma upasana .. that is easily gained by ADITYA prarthana as MADHU namak dev is always inside SURYA .. so this SURYA stuti is NANDI for SADHANA.

Sangya devi is wife of SURYA hence SangyaramaNa , Oh SUrya dev PAti of Sangya devi , since you are SARVAGNYa all knowing , hence I place my request with devotion , I urge with sincerety , in every birth and everywhere Please grant me , BRAMHA GYAANA – anantakalyaan guNa poorNa NArayana guna MAhima Gyaana and DHRUDh bhakti in NARayana .

  • GYaana BHAKTi vruddhi [ increase ] is possible only through UPASANA of SURYANATARGAT GAYATRI namak HARI seva .
  • SURYA lights up BHUMI antariksha swarga three worlds and he supports life in these theree worlds .
  • HE is ever present in eyes CHAKSHURINDRIYA and is also called as JAGATCHAKSHU. Thus, SURYA is SARVAGNYA .. as devata and ALSO SURYANATARGAT NARAYANA is always SARVAGNYA
  • SURIgamya – Oh suryadeva one who is GOT by GYAANis only , manovaak deha janit appar dosha samooh , [ the doshas arising out f body mind and speech ] , unlimited mistakes ,without actually looking into them , without taking notice of these kindly bless ME with NARAYAN dhyaan rupa seva and and let NARYANA inside you be pleased with me
  • LORD NARYANA is attained by KNOWLEDGEd , and for this SURYA anugarha is IMportant ..  WHence one leaves his body , he gets MARGA which one traverses and gets SURYA gati and CHANDRA gati thus say shastras …..in this SURYA gati is GOt by GYAANis with BODY on which pierces through LOKAs and SURYA loka is prominent here .
  • All the actions done by BODY MIND and SPEECH is seen by SURYA DEVA so he is witness for all the KARMAS and is known as KARMA SAKSHI .. so all the GUna dosha of each KARMA is known by SURYa and also NARYANA as present in him .. Thus SURYA sees to it that by Giving GYAANA he reduces possibilities of DUSHKARMA and thus gradually at some point nOt noticing the doshas OH SURYA deva TAKE us near to HARI .. !!!!

SO beautifully JAgannath dasaru has worshipped SURYA DEVA and tadantargat NARYANA .. this anusandhana will give definite surya shanti and siddhi


श्रीRaghavendraashtakshar stotra for Women !

गुरुराजाष्टाक्षरम् स्यात महापातकनाशनम् । एकैकमक्षरम् चात्र सर्वकाम्यार्थ सिद्धिदम् ॥ रकारोच्चारणमात्रेण रोगहानिर्न संशयः । घकारेण बलं पुष्टिःआयुः तेजश्च वर्धते ॥ वकारेणात्र लभते वांछितार्थान्न संशयः। द्रकारेणाघराशिस्तु द्राव्यते द्ृतमेव हि ॥ यकारेण यमाद्बाधो वार्यते नात्र संशयः । नकारेण नरेंद्राणाम् पदमाप्नोति मानवः ॥ मकारेण माहेंद्रमैश्वर्यम् याति मानवः। गुरुर्नाम्नाश्च महात्म्यम अपूर्वम् परमाद्भुतम् ॥ तन्नामस्मरणादेव सर्वाभिष्टं प्रसिध्यति । तस्मान्नित्यम पठेदभक्त्या गुरुपादरतस्सदा ॥श्रीराघवेंद्राय नमः इत्याष्टाक्षरमंत्रतः । सर्वान्कामानवाप्नोति नात्र कार्या विचारणा ॥ अस्टोत्तरशतावृत्तिम् स्तोत्रस्यास्य करोति यः । तस्य सर्वार्थसिद्धिस्यात गुरुराजप्रसादतः ॥ एतदष्टाक्षरस्यात्र महात्म्यम् वेत्ति कः पुमान । पठनादेव सर्वार्थसिद्धिर्भवति नान्यथा ॥ स्वामिना राघवेंद्राख्य गुरुपादाब्जसेविना । कृतमष्टाक्षरस्तोत्रमगुरुप्रीतिकरम् शुभम् ॥

इतिश्रीगुरुजगन्नाथदासार्यविरचित श्रीराघवेंद्राष्टाक्षरस्तोत्रम संपूर्णम ॥ श्रीकृष्णार्पणमस्तु ॥

Panchamukhi MARUTI !


अस्य श्रीहनुमन्महामन्त्रस्य

श्रीपंचमुखिहनुमान देवता

हानुमाान इति बीजम्

वायुसुत इति शक्तीः

अंजनासुत इति कीलकं

ॐ श्रीरामचंद्रवीरहनुमतप्रसादसिद्धयर्थंसकललोकोपकारार्थम्  पंचमुखिकवचस्तोत्रमंत्रजपे विनियोगः

ॐ अंजनासुताय अंगुष्ठाभ्याम नमः

ॐ रुद्रमूर्तये तर्जनीभ्याम् नमः

ॐ वायुपुत्राय मध्यमाभ्याम् नमः

ॐ अग्निगर्भाय अनामिकाभ्याम नमः

ॐ रामदूताय कनिष्ठिकाभयाम नमः

ॐ पंचमुखिहनुमते करतलकरपृष्ठाभ्याम नमः

[ एवं हृदयादिन्यासः ]

अथ ध्यानम्

उद्यन्मार्तंडकोटीरुचिरमययुतम् चारुवीरासनस्थम् मौंजीयज्ञोपवीताभरणमुरुजटाशोभितम् कुण्डलाभ्याम  ॥ भक्तानामिष्टदम् तम् प्रणयमनुदितम् वेदनादप्रणादम् ध्यायेद्देवम् विधेयंप्लवगकुलपतीम गोष्पदीभूतवार्धिम् ॥

श्रीरामचंद्रदूताय अंजनावायुपुत्राय महाबलाय सीतादुःखनिवारणाय लंकादहनकारणाय महाभयप्रचंडाय फाल्गुनसखाय कोलाहलसकलब्रम्हांडविश्वरुपाय सप्तसमुद्रनिरालंबिताय पिंगलनयनायामितविक्रमाय सूर्यबिंबफलसेविताय दुष्टनिरालंकृताय अंगदलक्ष्मणकपिसैन्यप्राणनिर्वाहकाय  दशकंठविध्वंसनाय रामेष्टाय फल्गुनसखाय सीतासमेतरामचंद्रप्रसादकाय ॥

षटप्रयोगागम- पंचमुखिहनुमंतम् ध्यात्वा

ॐ ह्रीं मर्कटमर्कटाय वं वं वं वं वं वषट स्वाहा ॥

ॐ ह्रीं मर्कटमर्कटाय फं फं फं फं फं फट  स्वाहा ॥

ॐ ह्रीं मर्कटमर्कटाय खें खें खें खें खें मारणाय स्वाहा ॥

ॐ ह्रीं मर्कटमर्कटाय ठं ठं ठं ठं ठं ठं स्तंभनाय स्वाहा ॥

ॐ ह्रीं मर्कटमर्कटाय ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ  आंक्रसि सकलसंपतकराय स्वाहा॥

ॐ कं खं गं ङ घं चं छं जं झं ञ टं ठं डं ढँ णं तं थं दं धं नं पं फं बं भं मं यं रं लं वं सं शं षं हं ळं क्षं स्वाहा ॥[इति दिगबंधः]

ॐ पंचमुखिवीरहनुमते ऊर्ध्वमुखीहयग्रीवाय रुं रुं रूं रुं रुं रुद्रमूर्तये सकलनिर्वाहकरणाय  स्वाहा

ॐ  पंचमुखिवीरहनुमते पूर्वेकपिमुखाय ढं ढं ढं ढं ढं कवचमूर्तये  सकलशत्रुसंहाराय  स्वाहा

ॐ  पंचमुखिवीरहनुमते दक्षिणे नृसिंहायमुखाय  हां हां हां हां हां  करालमूर्तये  सकलभुतप्रेतदमनाय  स्वाहा

ॐ  पंचमुखिवीरहनुमते पश्चिमे गरुडमुखाय  मं मं मं मं मं  नीलकँठमूर्तये  सकलविषहराय स्वाहा

ॐ पंचमुखिवीरहनुमते उत्तरे वराहमुखाय लंलंलंलंलं आदिमुर्तये सकलदोषहराय स्वाहा

पंचमुखिहनुमते अंजनासुताय वायुपुत्राय सीताशोकदुःखनिवारणाय द्रोणाद्रिवरहरणाय श्रीरामचंद्रपादसेवकाय माहावीर्यप्रथमब्रम्हांडनायकाय पंचमुखिमाहावीरहनुमतेनमः ॥ भूतप्रेतपिशाचब्रह्मराक्षसग्रहपरमंत्रपरतंत्रोच्चाटनाय स्वाहा ।सकलनिर्वाहकरणायपंचमुखिहनुमद्वरप्रसादकाय जंजंजंजंंजं इतिकवचम पठेत ॥


|| naraharyaShTakam ||

om || yaddhitaM tava bhaktaanaamasmaakaM nRuhare hare |
tadaashu kaaryaM kaaryaj~ja praLayaarkaayutaprabha || 1 ||

raTatsaTograbhrukuTIkaThorakuTilekShaNa |
nRupa~jchaasya jvalajjvaalojjvalaasyaarIn hare hara || 2 ||

unnaddhakarNavinyaasa vivRutaanana bhIShaNa |
gatadooShaNa me shatroon hare narahare hara || 3 ||

hare shikhishikhodbhaasvadurukrooranakhotkara |
arIn saMhara daMShTrograsphurajjihva nRusiMha me || 4 ||

jaTharasthajagajjAla karakoTyudyataayudha |
kaTikalpataTitkalpavasanaarIn hare hara || 5 ||

rakShodhyakShabRuhadvakShorookShakukShividaaraNa |
naraharyakSha me shatrupakShakakShaM hare daha || 6 ||

vidhimaarutasharvendrapoorvagIrvaaNapu~ggavaiH |
sadaa nataaMGridvaMdvaarIn narasiMha hare hara || 7 ||

bhayaMkarorvalankaara varahu~gkaaragarjita |
hare narahare shatroonmama saMhara saMhara || 8 ||

vaadiraajayatiproktaM naraharyaShTakaM navam |
paThannRusiMhakRupayaa ripoon saMharati kShaNaat || 9 ||

|| iti shreemadvaadiraajapoojyacharaNavirachitaM
naraharyaShTakaM saMpoorNam ||

Shree Raghavendra Suprabhaatam !

Shri gurubhyo namha

Shree Raaghavendra suprabhatam

AUTHOR  – tarka vidwaan jyodishvidwaan vedaantshiromaNi , mysooreaasthanavidwaan , panditbhooshan , vidyaavaachaspati , Shree Raghavendra mutt aasthaan vidwaan



translator – chiraan

Shree raghavendra mangalashasanam !

shrimate raaghavendraaya sarvaabhishTapradaayine | mantraalaynivaasaaya gururaajaay mangaLam ||

Oh Raaghavendra teertha gururaaja [ Just as emperor is the man with  a highest qualities and of highes order in terms of greatness among the men …. so also among the men qualified to be gurus [ spiritual teachers ] Raghvendra swamy is emperor among such men , ie with  highest and greatest place attributed by LORD narsimha ]

Oh guru Raghavendra , you give all the material desires to your devotees sitting in Mantralaya with vishesha sannidhi [ why vishesha sannidhi ?] Rayaru is still alive in Mantralaya … He has been there since 1671 …… in these 340 years many a saints scholars sadhaka … who were of celestial amshas …. aparoksha gyanis …. themselves yet before achieving aparoksha gyana have visited Mantralaya and performed seva and attained their desires ….and knowledge … after they have achieved aparoksha gyana too they have praised RAYARU in their devotional songs …..

Some were devatas born on earth who were lesser in tartamya to RAYARU [ Prahlaad rayaru ] like Ahlaad [ brother of PRAHLAAD ] ie Jagganath Dasaru …. like GANAPATY [ GOPALADASARU ] etc …. Some were highere in tartamya like VIJAYADASARU [ sage BHRIGU ] …… while they have praised rayaru as jagadguru even after attaining aparoksha gyana shows on to say they revered RAYARU because RAYARU has vishesha VAYU sannidhi , and all the devatas reside In RAYARA vrindavana … and praising Rayaru also becomes automatically the praise of LORD Pradyumna present as five fold HAYAGREEVA NARSIMHA KRISHNA RAAMA VEDVYASA  in RAYARU to bless all the normal and aparoksha gyanis their desired on earth alnd that too instantly as KALIYUGA KAAMADHENU ]

hence the word vishesha sannidhi ….. Oh raghavendra let there be auspiciousnness …..

Shree MOOLARAAMA suprabhaatam

seetaapate vidhikaraarchita koormaraajbhanDaarto Nrahareeteerthamuneendralabdha | aanandateerthamunivanshyayateendrapoojya  shreemoolaraama bhavataattava suprabhaatam ||

Oh Moolraama dev  seetapati , Bramha has himseff worshipped you … Then Narahariteertha swamy has obtained you from the stores of gajapati kings of Koorma Kingdom of Orrissa … Madhavacharya and ShriRaghvendra teertha   and all the yatis [ peethadhipatis ] coming in his tradition have worshipped you .. Oh raama let there be Auspiciousness !

note – Moolarama and moolseeta idols were created by BRAMHA .. and BRAMHA himself worshipped it for many years …..Then pleased with the tapasya penace of Vaivasvat Manu son Ikshavaku  .. Bramha gave him the IDOLS …. For generations Ikshvaku and his sons in his lineage worshipped MOOLARAMA so that someday LORD will bless his dynasty with a birth ….So also RAJA DASHARATH worshipped with piety MOOLARAMA and was finally blessed with a son LORD HIMSELF LORD RAAMA …. as thesse idols were primary cause of birth of VISHNU avatara …. RAAMA the idol is known popularly as MOOLARAAMA ….

Later after tretayuga dwapara in KALIYUGA 43rd century these idols went to the KIngdom of orissa whose capital was at Koormakshetra  where gajapatis were ruling …..

in the same year SRIMANMADHVACHARYA took established KRISHNA at UDUPI and sent his disciple NARAHARITEERTHA to orissa to fetch the idols …NAHARITEERTHA sat outside the kingdom on the banks of  a river for penace … few months later the KING of the Koormanagari died …. his son was too tender a age to rule ….. SO ministers of the kingdom decided to decorate an ELEPHANT with Vishnu avahana …. give it a GARLAND and a golden vessel with sacred incanted water… [ matrapoota jala ] … The ELEPHANT was left in the kingdom to roam about freely … the idea was whoever the elephant garlands and then bathes with the water from golden vessel will be appointed as the KING of the KOORMAnagar …

The elephant chose to garland NARHARITEERTHA and did abhisheka with the water from golden  vessel ….. NARHARI TEERTHA ruled justly for 12 years the kingdom justly …. and after the Prince became of eligible restored him to the throne and while leaving the KINGDOM prince offered him the IDOL of MOOLARAMA from the stores as Gurudakshina [ prince had a  dream to that effect  that night ]

Narhari teertha offered the IDOL to MADHVACHARYA and from then on all the yatis in his dynasty [ tradition ] includimng Shree RAGHAVENDRA swamy worshipped MOOLARAMA devaru . EVEN till today SHREE MOOLARAMa is worshipped in SHREERAGHAVENDRA SWAMY mutt by the PONTIFFS …

Oh SHREEMOOLARAAMA deva  let there be auspiciousness …..

Shree VAYUAVATARATRAYA suprabhatam

Shreeraamadootahanuman yadunaathdaas Shree Bheemsen vararoupyapuraavataar | shreevyaasahrutprayatmaameetashuddhabuddhe shreemadhvaraaj bhavataattav suprabhaatam ||

Oh hanumaan the messenger of LORD RAAMA , Oh Bheemsen the attendant of LORD KRISHNA , Oh MADHVARAAJ of clean mind and infinite intelleigence , very dear to the LORD VEDVYASA , SUPRABHAATA to you [ Good auspicious morning ]

note : from here onwards 38 shlokas are  RAGHAVENDRA swamy suprabhaath  …. 14 15th 16th August SHree RAGHAVENDRA swamy ARADHANA starts …. its a earnest directive to take part in this samaraadhane at the nearest Raghavendra swamy temple …. contribute to various sevas ,… give for bramhan abhojana …. partcipate in geeta vaadya  nrutya  seva ….. on these three days especially worship Raghavendra swamy in special ways to attain all the desired …..   in the previous posts I have given various stotras  fo various problems … these stotras work when there is only karma relating to the problem alone  … but f curses are operating in the horoscope , then the desired results dont come even after 100 recitals …. if other doshas exists even then these remedies dont seem to work …. when there is prabala prarabdha then too remedies dont work …. and one suffers endlessly …. what to do in such situation ….?  except with head down and accepting the fate one has no option …. One option is to ask for strength [ to HARI ] to face the situation … another option is borrow good fortune from RAGHAVENDRA SWAMY ….. usually one has to return whatever borrowed , but RAGHAVENDRA swamy does not expect things back .. so its for free … condition …. VISHNU BHAKTI … VISHNU SARVOTAMMATVA VAYUJEVOTTAMATVA GYANA ….

But to get this devotion our day should start with peace so we have necessary mindsetup to concentrate on HARI … but with prabala prarabdha day starts with jolts and endlessly draws into whirlpool of sins and misery ….. unless [ mangal vastu darshan occurs in morning , no good descends ]  …. there is no mangal [auspicious ] vastu than auspiciousness personified MOOLARAMA DEVA VAYU DEVA AND SHREE RAGHAVENDRA SWAMY …. hence getting up early in the morning and reciting this suprabhaata will give necessary auspiciousness to begin the day in a good way and get fortunes from SHREE RAGHAVENDRA which will offset our prarabdha … and also as a bonus we get SHRIHARI BHAKTI which will set us free from SANSAARA ….


Bramhagnyayaa ditikule bahudoshapoorNe jaatoapi bhaktibharito bhuvanam samastam | yoapeepavo diviShadaam var shankukarNa Shree RAAghavendra bhavataatav suprabhaatam ||

Oh shankukarna the best among devatas …You have taken birth [ as per the instructions of BRAMHA ] in the lineage of DITI by the name PRAHALAAD ….. this dynasty known to have  qualities  full of countless  HARIDWESHA  … etc …and many many defects …. BUt still none of these , not a single of defects ever manifested in YOU oh PRAHALAADRAYA ….. Instead VISHNU BHAKTI and infinite satvik qualities are seen in PRAHALAADARAYA … with such qualities PRAHALAADRAAYA you are completely clean and pure and auspicious and you make all those who serve you with devotion similarly [ as per capacity ] clean pure and auspicious ….Oh Prahalaadraaya , you have now descended again on earth as GURU SHRIRAGHAVENDRA SWAMY .. suprabhaata to you [ a very good auspicious morning ]

Note- some people may ask how do MADHVAS declare Such and such person is avatara of such and deity … isnt it glorification of self philosophy and self assumed glorification of our pontiffs …

To refute such illogical arguments …… the following lines from NARSIMHA PURANA presents the prooof of PRAHALAAD having descended as RAGAHVENDRATEERTHA …

ShankukarNaakhyadevastu bramhavaakyascha bhootale | Prahlaad iti vikhyaato bhoobhaar kshapaNE ratah | sa eva RAAGHVENDRAAKHYA:  kalau MANTRALAYEABHAVAT |


to be continued …………………………

SHREE SEETAARAM STOTRA – for happy married life !

श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः

नमो नमो रामा देवो ।त्तमांजनेय प्रेमा । क्षमापश्रितजनसमूह कल्प । द्रुमापराध क्षमापनम कुरू ॥ अजात नररूप रघुजाम् । जजाप्त कुलदीप ॥ अजेश भुजगाद्विजेंद्र मुखसुर ।व्रजाधिपति हरे गजेंद्रवरद ॥ अयोध्यापूरि निलया नित्याऽ-।वियोगिनि प्रिया ॥ दयाप अस्मदभयापहर  रुषि । सुयाग रक्षक त्रयिमयात्मा ॥ सनातन सुमित्रा दशश्यम् – । दनाख्य नृप पुत्रा ॥ अनादिमंगल सुनाम चरिता ॥ घनाशनभिनव जनार्दनविठ्ठल ॥

Those who long for happy married life …. those who have been separated and want to reunite .. those looking for loving husband …those looking for long lasting marriage .. those looking for infinite qualities in wife /. husband ….. those looking for a perfect spouse ….perfect relationship between spouse …. harmony in conjugal life ….. those aspiring for made in heaven jodi …..those struggling with dissatisfaction in mutual relationship …. those trying to mitigate misunderstandings amongst beloved couples ….. those who do not have access to estranged  spouse and yet aspire for a new beginning …. those who are missing something in marital aspects ,,,,,those who have committed grave sins against spouse and want to atone for it ….those who cannot come to terms with each other due to ego …… those who just want things magically to set up for themselves .

All those can recite this stotra daily with shuchi ….. and most importantly anusandha should be

seeta raama nityavayogini priya ……

SEETA RAAMA are never separated … RAMAYANA is for daitya mohana …. SEETADEVI always resides in the heart of RAAMA as Srivatsa mole .. she is never separated from her husband ….. neither was actual seeta at RAVANA’s ashoka vatika … it was seetakruti led by INDRA .. RAAMA never missed SEETA ..  RAAMA looking for Seeta in RAMAYANA is Lokvidamban ……

LORD RAAMA gives instant results … he gives all the desired to his devotees and his name is RAAMA …. one who attracts everyones and grants all his wishes to his fullest satisfaction and then seats permanently in their heart ,….

LORD RAAMA , as He is in our hearts similarly  HE is also present in others heart … RAAMA in our heart is no different than RAAMA in our spouse’s heart ,,,,  so if RAAMA in our heart is pleased with us  , so also the RAAMA in our spouse’s heart is pleased ,… thus when RAAMA in our heart is pleased with someone standing before us … we have a benign charm on them …. we think positively about the person and so also the other person responds favourably [ one need not ask a mortal spouse for our happiness when RAAMA does everything for us ] …. As RAAMA is especially a MODAMOORTY , he causes immense pleasure ….  RAAMA means one who gives bliss  happiness and creative sporting joy …  when he decides to shower his grace .. one finds heaven in his house …..

So oh HANUMADANTARGAT SEETA  RAAMA  be pleased with me !

With this anusandhana if one reads this stotra ,will get all his marital issues solved ….


Dhanvantari Stotra – for good health !

श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः

रोगनिवारण वागुवदिदु महा- । योगीगलु नेरेदु निगम सुपुराण ।भागवत पंचरात्रागमव शोधिसि । वेगदिंदलि दुग्धसागर मध्यदोलगे । नागराजनमेले योगनिद्रेयोलिप्प । वागीशपितन  इंबागिनेनिसलु । पोगुवुदघवेदु योगीश्वररु शिर ।दूगि सारुवरू चेन्नागि श्रीहरिनाम । ईग संसारवेंबो ब्यागि मध्यदि नररु ।जागुमाडदे बलु जागररागि तंबलागुवंते ऊंडु । तेऽगि तृप्तिबडुवुदु भोगानंद निमगे योगानंद । हागार हागवित्तु लोगर कैयिंद । तूगि बेलेगे वस्तु वेग तरुवुदल्ल । श्रीगुरु धंवन्त्री विजयविठ्ठल नाम द्वेष । भागिगलिगे सल्ल श्री गौरी पति बल्ल ॥॥

The above shloka will relieve one off all the long term diseases , it will give immense faith in LORD as present in DOCTOR , LORD as present in medicines ,, Lord as present in treatment ,,,,,and it will drive away daityas as present in diseases ,… it will give new strength ….. it will rejuvenate and make one fit for further sadhana through this body ….

it will destroy diseases arising out of eating unhygienic food , unhygienic lifestyle , by excessive work … excessive enjoyments by excessively keeping awake late till night ,,,  it will finally destroy the disease namely samsaara …

Shloka for heart disease …and diseases of mind …

Rudrantargat Srilaxminarsimha Shloka

रुद्रांतर्गत नारसिंह । पाहि । भद्रमूरुति निर्गताम्ह ॥ हृद्रोग कलेदु ज्ञानार्द्रस्वांतन् माडू । पद्र सामगघसमुद्र दाटिसो बेऽग ॥ एसेऽसु जन्म गलल्लि । निन्न दासनेन्दु  एन्न बल्लि ॥ ईश नीनेम्बुदु लेऽशवरिये क्लेश । नाशन प्रभुवे वाराशिजेवल्लभ ॥ वासवानुज वनधि शयन । महेश वंदित वरद हे करू । णा समुद्र करालवदनने ॥ नी सलहदिरे काणे कावरा॥ हेमकश्यपु तन्न सूतन नोयिेसे । श्री मनोहरने अनाथन । प्योऽमपर्वतांबुधि धामदोलुलुहिद । भौम सनमुनिगण स्तोमवंदित पाद ॥ सामजेंद्रन सरसियोलु सु- । त्रामनंदनना रणदि कुरु -। भूमिपति सभेयोलगे द्रौपदि -। या महात्मर काय्द करुणि ॥ वेदगम्य वेदव्यासाकपिल । यादवेश महिदासा ॥ श्रीद श्रीश अन्नद विश्वधन्वन्तरि । मेधाविपतिये वमादिरूपक विष्णु । कादुको निन्नवर मनद वि- । षाद रोगंगलनलिदुमहदादि देव जगन्नाथ विठ्ठल । आदरदि प्रह्लाद वरद ||

this stotra removes all kinds of epilepsy ,, mental tensions … mental disturbances ,,. mental instability … fears … phobias …. mental illness .. schizophrenia …. dementia … heart ailments … hypertension … disorders of blood … disturbances of tridosha ..Drishti dosha … administration of poison ….etc ..

Sometimes it becomes difficult to come out of infatuation for somebody , something or some issue ….even though brain says this is not good for us … heart makes in the invariable folly putting at risk reputation , self respect and honor …. sometimes it becomes impossible to come out of shackles of influence of people around us … sometimes due to some self imposed logic we cannot answer a certain person .. nor can we regulate them … all such mental weaknesses will be destroyed by this stotra

This also removes wrong notions about spirituality ,,, it gives clear conscience …. it creates fear of right and wrong ….. of hell and heaven …. it removes sins accumulated by mind ,,,,,, it gives clairvoyance needed for accurate vision ….. it brings one closer to JAGANNATH VITTALA ..


Raghavendra stotra

श्रीपूर्णबोधगुरुतीर्थपयोधिपारा कामारिमाक्षविषमाक्षशिरः स्पृशंती ।

पूर्वोत्तरामिततरंगचरत्सुहँस देवालिसेवितपरांघ्रिपयोजलग्ना ॥॥

जीवेशभेधगुणपूर्तिजगत्सुसत्व नीचोच्चभावमुखनक्रगणैः समेऽता ।


Tatparya:  Appanacharya the poet [author ] of this stotra was foremost among the disciples of ShriRaghavendra  swamy .  When the news spread that Swamiji is preparing for sajeeva Brindavan pravesh [ entering the samadhi avastha while alive ]  everyone rushed to Manchali [ todays’ mantralaya  ] to witness the rare event and as well seek swamiji’s blessing for one last time , Appanacharya was in adjoining village across the river tungabhadra called Bhicchali .  though there was a roadway , Appanacharya in an emotional outburst [ at the very thought of missing Guru Raghavendra’s presence once for all ] with tears started towards the Mantralaya . He was apprehensive about reaching Mantralaya before swamiji enters the samadhi . The thought brought extreme agony but nonethless he wished to reach mantralaya at the earliest and in an earnest attempt did not mind crossing the river walking through it . All through he compossed this very beautiful stotra praising Guru Raghavendra in a manner noone could have ever done with some startling revelations about Guru Raghavendra swamiji , his past his capabilities and his greatness [ mahima is the right word ] . The river paved way for him as he was worshipping his living deity his guru ,without drowning , Appanacharya reached Mantralaya just when the last slab was cemented onto GURU RAGHAVENDRA .  Apannacharya had composed the last shloka ” yo bhaktya …………………………vibhutirtula ‘

as he was stating the verse his eyes were filled with tears , he could not bear the separation of the beloved guru and the thought of not seeing GURU again was extremely unbearable , GURU RAGHAVENDRA suddenly appeared in  a golden hue and with abhaya mudra . The appearance of guru in such a magnificient form before him made him fill with emotions of surprise , happiness and devotion and his speech stopped at the word ………….” Vibhutirtula ” the composition was incomplete as meter did not complete ,

At that time Guru Raghavendra was seated in the japa of HAYAGREEVA , and hence a divine voice exclaimed …...” SAKSHI HAYASYOTRA HI “ thus completing the shloka and endorsing that whatever has been proclaimed in the stotra by Appanacharya is true and LORD HAYAGREEVA will be a witness for the long time to come or Lord himself will oversee its truth .

Thus the devotees surrounding were extremely happy at the divine sight and voice and were reassured that GURU Raghavendra is ever with them inside the brundavana ,

This incident took place in the year 8-8-1671 .

This stotra has exclusive stamp of Guru Raghavendra and LORD HAYAGREEVA and thus carries special place in the hearts of MADHVA devotees and is extremely potent in delivering quick instantaneous results and wish fulfillment like kamdhenu and kalpavriksha . May all the readers of this blog be benefitted by the translation of this stotra from today onwards and may lord hayagreeva fulfill their wishes .

Translation :

Appanacharya in the opening stanza compares the speech [ vani ] of Guru rayaru with that of GANGA . Just like GANGA let his voice purify us from sins .

So every word in this stanza can be interpreted from GANGA point of view and also from rayaru point of view ,

1. Bali chakravarty performed the 100th ashwamedha yagnya and LORD VAMAN asked him land covered by three footsteps . When BALI agreed , with one foot Lord covered entire Bhumandala with his second step he covered entire upper heaven seven lokas , while he was measuring his second step as he raised it to the upper crest of the UNIVERSE BRAMHANDA , the upper crest cracked as his nail of the toe touched the BRAMHANDA katah . The Bramhanda kharpar is the inner layer of the universe and externally it is engulfed by the jalavarana the [ prakruti water ]  . This water entered the crack and touching the LORD’s feet washing it , fell through the different LOKAS .

As it gushed through the Lord TRIIVIKRAMA’s  feet [ hari pada prakshalan jala ]  Bramha immediately took it in his kamandalu and again offered it to the feet of Lord Trivikrama [ Lord had appeared for the first time in this roopa and Bramha worshiped him by washing his feet and what more better [pure] water could he get than this new water gushing out of BRAMHANDA [ an out of world experience for the very creator of the world ] .

The same water as it was flowing with unabashed symphony , RUDRA held it in his jata [ hair locks ] and became purified , [ we always take VISHNU TEERTHA and sprinkle it on our head ] but RUDRA permanently keeps VISHNUPADODAKA in his locks , he is everpure and a great BHAGAVAT .

As it flowed further , it became sacred in INDRA LOKA and in SHimshumara loka DHRUVA worshipped and many rishis and devtas worshiped it as progressed , and finally as it fell on the MOUNT MERU , it divided into four streams in four directions ,.

  1. eastern stream got the name  ” seeta ” and flew into bhadrashva khanda
  2. SOuthern stream by the name ” Alaknanda ” flew into BHARATVARSHA
  3. western stream by the name ” chakshu ” flew into Ketumaal varsha
  4. Northern stream by the name ” Bhadra ” flew down the KURU VARSHA

and culminated into the waters of ocean in the jambudweepa .

All through the journey from BRAMHANDA KATAH to the jambudweep it purified all the DEVATAS RISHIs and MANUSHYA ., this sacred river is known as ” GANGA ”

So Ganga is the  only river which has its origin in devaloka and has been passing through the heaven and has touch of great Bramha shiva INDRA dhruv and devatas and rishis , such a sacred river is unique and has come to the earth to bless us all  and rest all other rivers have its origin here on the earth and joins the ocean and loses its entity on the earth itself , thus there is special place for ganga compared to other rivers . It is DEVA nadi , divine river . thus  the adjective ” DEVATA SARITA ”

This ganga is like GURU Raghavendras’ Voice [speech ,teachings ] as people bathing in this river gets rid of the sins and the mal [dirt ] is cleansed ,vimali karotu ,  so also Guru’s words cleanse our sins and purify the devotees .

(vigatam malam yasmat sa: vimala: , na vimala: amala: , avimalam vimalam sampadyamanam karotu vimali karotu )

Usually poets when they use comparasions ,they compare very qualitative object with the subject , like face with a moon   , moon is far more beautiful than human face , yet poetic liberty passes it off .so upamaan and upameya [ moon and face ] are out of place , but here Raghavendra ‘ teachings speech vani vak is not compared to GANGA , but GANGA itself is  compared to Guru’s vani suggesting Guru RAGHAVENDRA’s teachings are far more sacred than GANGA because . Ganga cleanses the sins of people who chant its name , who seeks its blessings by  visit and who take bath in the ganges . Such a bath cleanses the sins and purifies , resulting in clean mind taking to shravan [ listening ] of shastras , and finally leading to the knowledge of LORD .

Ganga by itself does not arise the knowledge of LORD after cleansing .  BUT guru’s teachings not only cleanses the sins and purifies but also practically imparts the knowledge of LORD and there by giving MOKSHA , Ganga is aid to MOKSHA but Guru’s words are assurity of MOKSHA and thus greater .

because such a quality exists Our acharyas are also known as SRIRAGHAVENDRA teertha . teertha is ganga [ or river like ] .

Let such words of guru cleanse our sins .

Now this GANGA [ and also GURU RAGHAVENDRA ] is praised through five adjectives [ visheshana ] . firstly we shall see how this adjective applies to GANGA and than to Rayaru .

  1. sripurnabodhaguruteerthapayodhipara :

sri purna – full of brightness , bodha – budha , guru – father [ budha’s father moon chandra ] , teertha – birth place , payodhi – ocean , para – encompassing [joining] , rightful owner  . ganga finally joins ocean and hence ocean is one and all for her . such a ocean when churned gave rise to the moon and this moon gave birth to mercury who was full of brightness right from the birth , thus this quality is primarily in the GANGA  .

2. kamarimakshvishmakshshirahsprushanti :

kamari – enemy of kama [ manmath ] is SHIVA [Rudra ]  , ma – gyana knowledge , aksh – eye , vishmaksha – odd three eyed , shirah – head , sprushanti – touches

Shiva is ever engaged in the dhyana of NARAYANA and thus can see him and all the knowledge through his eyes and hence he is maksh [ one who can see the knowledge of NARAYANA , aparokshagyani ]  he is blessed with a third eye of agni along with usual two eyes , this third eye has burnt down even kama manmath when he tried to disturb his penance , such a SHIVA ‘s head is always wet with the touch of GANGA , and ganga has this distinction of being in his hair locks .

3.purvottaramittarangacharatsuhansa :

purva uttara – ganga flows perpendicular to east and west direction , [ ganga flows in nORTH south direction in bharat varsha ] , amit – limitless , taranga – waves ,charat – flows , suhansa – great swan raj hansa .

Ganga flows like a raj hansa through its limitless waves perpendicular to east west direction .

4.devalisevitaparanghripayojlagna :

deva – deities devatas, aali – pankti ,line , array  ; sevita – worshiped by , para – LORD anghripayoj – lotus like feet ;  lagna -engrossed in [ connected to ] .

the array of devatas line up to worship the lotus feet of LORD , which is the origin of Ganga and she is always conjoined and engrossed ever attached to the feet . so also the Devatas .

5. durvadyajapatigilai:

durvadi – unbearable sound ; ajapati – herds of sheep gilai- gulping swallowing

jeeveshbhedhagunapurtijagasusatva nechochhabhavamukhanakraganai:

jeev – animals ; among them eesh – bigger animals [ like elephants etc ]; bhedha – difference or cognizance ;- guna – quality ; purti –  complete filled up  ; jagat – world ; susatva –  well known and famous heroics and greatness ; neechocchabhavmukha – uneven [ large at some place and small at some place ] faced ; nakra – crocodiles ; ganai: – groups

crocodiles have uneven faces and making unbearable noises  and are very wild animals which can engulf swallow sheeps and even bigger among animals like elephants when they come to drink water in the rivers . Ganga is full of such wild crocodiles  which are famous for the strength in the world .

Now these five adjectives let us see how it applies to GURU Raghavendra .


sri – mahalaxmi devi presiding diety for VEDA ; purnabodha – complete authority knowledge and grasp of vedas ; imparting Guru – great auspicious and foremost ; teertha -shashtra  [like ] payodhi – ocean ;para – encompassing  is Guru ‘s teachings vani of GURU RAGHAVENDRA

Humans have natural tendency to cheat ,to misrepresent , to lie .Humans also are susceptible to doubts , ignorance and false incorrect conclusions[ vipareet  gyana ] .

With so many defective tendencies , human deliverables cannot be accepted or brought into practice or considered as supreme truth , Any writings having its origin in human or authored by human cannot be accepted as supreme truth .

So only those teachings which do not have human authorship [ which is not outcome of mere human intelligence and also has allegiance to apaurusheya ] can be believed .

Vedas are apaurusheya and as they are not written by anyone one can completely believe in it and there can be no objections to as it does not have any defects .

Any grantha [ subject ] should be read with complete faith and  belief only then its contents will be understood or conveyed . If someone reads without any belief in any scripture , he may not benefit from the said scripture .

Vedas are complete truth and are beginingless timeless knowledge imparting , if with sucha  a faith  it is read then it imparts complete knowledge thus it is known as “Sripurna bodha .”

Vedas declare  ” ananta vai veda:  ”  thus vedas are infinite . it has infinite concepts . thus it is ocean of a very big shastra . guruteerthapayodhi – guru – very big [ infinite ] ; teertha – shastra ; payodhi – ocean .

vedas are thus complete knowledge and infinite ocean of concepts .  para – moola origin .

This veda is the moola or origin or sarvasva [ everything dear to ] the VANI speech or teachings of Guru RAGHAVENDRA .

Voice /teachings of SRi RAGHAVENDRA has its origin in the VEDAS which is full of complete knowledge and is ocean of infininte concepts .

1a . Does this Veda impart anything useful or any timepass subject . Does it convey anything of prime importance , or anything about the supreme . the same word sri purna bodhaguruteertha removes this doubt .

This veda encompasses SRI LAXMI devi ; POORNA – LORD NARAYANA ; BODHAGURU – jagadguru VAYUDEVA [ one who imparts knowledge to the world about SRi and NARAYANA who is purna complete ]   and one which conveys these three entities TEERTHA – shastra is veda , and such a veda is moola for RAGHAVENDRA GURU’s speech .

VEDAS have no doubt in calling LAXMi devi as SRI .

Is NARAYANA called as PURNA , veda pramana is ” ath kasmaduchyate bramheti , bruhanto hyasmin Guna: ” sakalkalyangunapurna NARAYANA is BRAMHA the PURNA .

is VAYU Known as Jagadguru

” sa yenan Bramha gamayati ” etc declare VAYU as JAGADGURU

Veda proclaim the greatness of these three thus Vedas are known as Sripurnabodha guruteertha .

1b . These three entities are highest in the entire creation , and their knowledge is important in getting their blessings and their blessings will lead to MOKSHA and thus Vedas are indeed useful to the mankind , it is just not a scripture but MOKSHA giving scripture .

1c. Can Vedas be deciphered , which other things should be resorted to , to understand VEDAS ?

Again the same word answers this question , Sri PURNA bodha , Bright with Filled KNOWLEDGE is LORD VEDVYASA , his teertha infact guru teertha means many shastras like 18 puranas , mahabharata , many vidyas upapuranas etc should be resorted to decipher vedas and para – all encompassing these are the speech of GUru RAGHAVENDRA .

Lord VEDVYASA is no doubt full of complete Knowledge , but Vedas contain opposing sentences but yet Vedas say they are all correct . Thus many doubts arise with respect to efficacy of vedas in light of mutually opposing statements , Therefore to reconcile these differences VEDVYASA has written puranas and MAHABHARATA .

1d. IF there arises differences in PURANAS and its statements then what should be done ?

the same word Sripurnabodhaguruteertha solves it !

Sripurnabodha – Vedvyasa has written guru – much infinite in meaning [ though fewer in letters and words ]  teertha – bramhasutra   and these form the basis of RAGHAVENDRA swamy’s teachings .

1e. But these SUTRAS were completely misinterpreted by various scholars ?

Sri -VEDA [ laxmi abhimanya ] Purna – complete Bodha – understanding havingAcharya Srimadhva has wriiten GURU – multiple infinitly deliverable teertha – sutrabhashya sarvamoolagrantha is the moola for teachings of RAGHAVENDRA .

Madhvacharya has learnt practically from SRI VEDVYASA only in badrikashram and with his permission he has composed SUTRA BHASHYA and SARVAMOOLA Grantha which is dear to RAGHAVENDRA teertha . and his tecahings reflect them .

1f. SRIPOORNABODHA – Tikacharya also is as per his capacity a complete gyani and his guru shashtra – TIKA nyansudha is base for the RAYARU ‘s grantha parimala

How can we say that ?


and his shastra is NYAYASUDHA etc . is moola for RAGHAVENDRA

Sripurnabodha : guru: yesham  te sripurnabodhagurava: , tesham shastram !!

1g . similarly all the gurus in the yati paramapara like vadiraj ,vijayeendra vyasa teertharu form the moola for RAGHAVENDRA teertha ‘ teachings

1h lastly RAGHAVENDRA guru ‘s followers to come in his lineage like SUmateendra teerth will also have the same moola like our Guru’s vani to impart such infinite knowledge .

2. Kamarimakshvishmakhshirahsprushanti :

Our Guru Raghavendra’s teachings have the approval of KAMARIMAKSHVISMAKSH ie SHIVA [ Rudra ] who gives his approval by shirah sprushanti – by nodding his head .It touches the head of RUDRA as he rejoices in his approval for the speech has its moola in VEDAS .  Is SHIVA approving just for the sake of it , has his approval any special importance yes , because this is the same lord shiva who has won the manmatha, he has the knowledge of NARAYANA so practical that he can see him and and he is the one with a unique odd eye ,eye of AGNI the symbol of purity , so his nod is very auspicious  and makes our GURU’s voice very special .


OUR shastra has two aspects poorvamimamsa and uttara mimamsa. uttaramimamsa is also known as bramhamimamsa

amittaranga – Such to shastra those who have mastered completely by diving into it [ deving deep into it ] are the gyanis[ GURU RAGHAVENDRA Inclusive ] and

charat – following such great gyanis are

suhansa – great paramhansas [ sanyasi of highest order ]  and Guru RAGhavendra ‘s voice abides by these .

normally when studying a concept its relevance to poorva and uttara mimamsa has to be studied under able guru and hence guru is served with utmost honour and  devotion to imbibe such difficult concepts , MAny gyanis have known such deep knowledge by abiding by the vani of Sri RAGHAVENDRA .

BUt have they grasped fully the concepts ? EVEN after spending a lot of efforts they are still surfing[ charat] only the waves infinite [ amitataranga ] of this ocean and have been unale to go the depth and  such is the depth of Sriraghavendra teertha VANI ,

4. devalisevitaparanghripayojlagna

the bees always buzzes around a lotus for the honey , similarly devatas always hover around the lotus feet of LORD and keep meditating on it and are engrossed in it forever similarly RAGHAVENDRA guru’s VANI is always engrossed in LOTUS feet of LORD .


durvadi – those who make annoying debates [ illogical and anti GOD ] dushta vadi such debators

ajapati – like sheeps

gilai: – the VOICE swallows them [ dushta vadi ]


jeeveshbhedha – the difference between JEEVATMA and PARAMATMA

Gunapoorna – the knowledge that Lord is full of Auspicious qualities

jagatsusatva – this world is indeed real

Neechochchabhava mukh – that there is hierarchy of souls in this universe . TARTAMYA

nakra – logic like that very dangerous crocodiles

ganai; such groups of logic

sameta – inclusive is the voice of RAGHAVENDRA .

hile establishing the MADHVA concepts RAGHAVENDRA’s teahings and voice is full of logic like a group  dangerous crocodile which can swallow in single attempt the durvadi the debators of illogical and irreligious beliefs .

Let such VANI / speech of our GREAT GURU RAGHAVENDRA cleanse us off our sins and lead us to MOKSHA .


SRIRAGHAVEDRA swamy’s voice conveys the meaning of vedas , in accordance with Vedavyasa and his teachings , elaborated by MADHVACHARYA , jayateerha till the guru sudheendra teertha of RAYARU and also forms the base for other yatis in parmapara like sumatindraterrtharu etc . It has  nod of RUDRA and other devatas , it is acceptable to thse devatas also . many paranhansa have abided by it , it is very deep , and describes the lotus feet of LORD NARAYANA , with terrible and strong logic it destroys the opponents [ durvadis ] and upholds the difference between jeev and parmatma . establishes hierarchy , extols NARAYANA as poorna complete and sarvottama and declares this world as real . HIS speech is sacred as GANGA , more than ganga it is potent in removing the sins of devotees and lead them MOKSHA .

श्रीराघवेंद्रः सकलप्रदाता स्वपादकंजद्वयभक्तमुद्भ्यः। अघाद्रिसंभेदनदृष्टिवज्रः क्षमासुरेंद्रोऽवतु माम सदाऽयम









श्रीराघवेंद्रो हरिपादकंजनिषेवणाल्लब्धसमस्तसंपत। देवस्वभावो दिविजदृमोयमिष्टप्रदो मे सततं स भूयात॥

haripaadkanjnishevNat  labdh –

  • haripaad – narsimha ‘s feet
  • kanj – lotus [ padma nidhi ]
  • nishevaNat – having served continuously
  • labdha – obtained
  • samast – all
  • sampat – riches [ pleasures and belongings ]
  • devswabhav – devata like qualities
  • divij – divine ,drum – parijaat kalpavruksha trees
  • soyam – sriraghavendra
  • satatam – always
  • me – bestow me
  • ishtaprad: – my wishes and desires
  • bhuyat – be so

In this world there are mnay types of nidhis . Nidhi is a riches that we enjoy , Man becomes rich and donates and enjoys when LAKSHMI devi incharge of various nidhis resides in ones house . There are 18 types of nidhis , of these six are of satvik type which are always available through the grace of LORD NARAYANA , these can be got only devotion and not through hard work or physical labour or serving some industry , army or a KING .The other type of six nidhis are obtained by wishful determination and subsequent charities and austerities towards the deities or kings or other rich men . LAST six nidhis are obtained by tamasik souls through kshudra mantras , dacoity . deciet or by doing only sins . this is the reason why sometimes we find much riches with sinners also .

The highest among the NIDHIS is known as padma nidhi , person having this nidhi will have very auspicious marks on the body and palms , his house will be full of divine bliss and there will books and scriptures in every crner of the house . Such person enjoys bliss in this world as well as in other world , There will be extreme grace of LAXMINARAYANA on the person having padma nidhi ,

Where does this nidhi arise from , haripadakanjnishevanatllabda – obtained by continuous service offered to the feet of LORD NARSIMHA and other avataras which SRIRAGHAVENDRA swamy has served in his various avataras .

  • As PRAHALAD he has served NARSIMHA
  • As BALHIKA he served KRISHNA
  • As VYASA he served VEDVYASA
  • As RAGHAVENDRA he is serving MOOLARAMA , hayagreeva , vedvyasa ,Narsimha ,KRISHNA

What has he earned by this , PADMA NIDHI [ which encompasses all the pleasures and enjoyments ] .  Because of this RAGHAVENDRA swamy who is of DEVA SWABHAV [ having qualities of devatas ] he is not like humans given to anger and desires and selfishness , but like DEvatas , who are generous and always granting wishes  like divijdrum [ divine trees like kalpavriksha and paarijaat ] . Like this tree Let RAGHAVENDRA swamiji grant my all wishes always from the warehouse of padmanidhi that he has accumulated .

note : one can give to others only when one has something in his pocket . SWAMIJI is virakta a a sanyasi , and also he was in a very poor condition [financially] prior to taking sanyas , nor did he have any ancestral property so how can he give ? HE has has padma nidhi which he has earned by continuous serving of LORD NARSIMHA .


note there are many more meanings to this shloka , because of the lack of space and length of the post , i have limited my discussion and analysis , scholars should forgive with a large heart at my alpaprayatna .

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