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Rayar Mahima !


Gayatri has been alluded as prayashchitta for many a sins- We are talking about BRAMHA Gayatri only not Sandhya.
There is a pramana that because it imparts rakshana [safety] from doshas and sins thus it is called as Gayatri, one who sings it will be saved from daana 
sweekara dosha, dushta anna bhojana dosha, bramha hatya patak, pashu hinsa, upapataka shuddhi. Gyanis strongly recommend Gayatri.
In agni purana Mahapatak prayashchitta homa is being narrated. It is mentioned thereby that 1 LAKH japas for Bramha hatya, surapaana, and suvarnasteya.
These get parihaar by the japa of Gayatri. Pitru matru hatya more than lakh japa, 100 for papa parihaar, 1000 for upapatak parihaara.
Similarly, homa of Gayatri gives phala of pryashchita. Til homa for sarva papa prayashchitta, Ashwath samit for graha peedha parihaar. Homa with honey and salt brings back wife who has gone to her parents’ home in anger. Homa with mango leaves gives good health, homa with laza (haralu in kannada and podval in tulu) gives beautiful girl as wife.

But do homa or japa, which are jada actually give phala?
No mantra japa homa do not give phala but it’s the MANTRA PRATIPADYA BHAGAVAN ANUGRAHA that gives the PHALA.
In Brahma Sutra lord’s Narsimha is only Duritapariharak, so one must do
To do NARSIMHA ANUSANDHAN in GAYATRI: Suryanarayan atyant 
abhinna Narsimha guna amhima anusandhan from gayatri is as follows:
Gayatri has ten shabda= TAT : in narayan varma “vidikshu diskhurdhwam” shloka tells about ten directions and multidimensional up-down everywhere omnipotent Lord staying thus removes the fears of His devotees by His Garjan [loud roar] and is established all-round safety providing Karmas everywhere such durita nivarak NARSIMHA!

SAVITUH: By being inside the papapariharak karmas like daana japa homa, He manifests [srushti] the papa pariharak phala. He himself manifested through a pillar [so such feat should not be difficult for him].
VARENYAM: He is sung [bhajaniya] by the devotees for their duritanivaran. He
appeared in adhbut rupa and upheld that He is sarvottama and established His
supremacy that he alone is ocean of gnana sukha shakti (etc.) auspicious
BHARGA: Narsimha burns all the heaps of sins done by a devotee and relives him, and then kills all the dushta shaktis [sin abhimani devaas and rakshas who trouble devotees] and while he does rakshan and poshana of the devotees and gets some work done by them to create a nimitta for such dahan, in the course He removes AGNYANA.
DEVASYA: Narsimha is praised by greats like Prahalaad [dev stutau] and then while doing duritaparhaar He also removes dukha klesha that arises during the presence of durita and brings a smile on the faces of the devotees hence He is devasya [deva means one who brings moda].

DHIMAHI: Narsimha Deva is present in Rudra devaru, manoniyamak Rudra
through him He (Narsimha) inspires the antahkarana to do dhyana of Narsimha and he also makes himself seen in such dhyaana. To get rid of brahma-hatya Devendra also did Narsimha dhyana.
DHIYO YO NAH PRACHODAYAAT: Those devotees who have done pataka etc., He inspires them to do paschattapa and then compels them to do Sadhana prayaschitta that “sadbuddhi” is given by Narsimha only just as He inspired Prahalaad not to do sakaam bhakti and remain nishkama.

Just as how we do upasana we get such phala by that pramaana, by this
anusandhan in Gayatri japa we get papa parihaara and its phal quickly by japa homa daana through Narsimha rupa dhyana anusandhan.
The most important aspect of thsi post is without anusandhana no phala can come! So anusandhan is important.

Narsimhavapu : One who has body of Nar and Simha. One who has body which can destroy the sins of nara 

Paapanashana: The rupa which does durita nivarana and papa parihaar 
Bhayakrut Bhaya Nashana: One who gives fear in the minds of enemies of His devotees and removes the fears of devotees

Jitmanyu: Jitkrodha: Even though Narsimha was looking very angry at
Hiranyakashyapa, this was not rajas or rajoguna vikaara, but it was another form of kshama guna only this was completely under his control
Surariha: One who killed the enemy of devatas Hirankashyap 
Vikarta Vidrana: One who tore the chest of Hirankashyap 
Sragvi: One who adorned Himself with the intestines of Hirankashyapa as a garland

Uattrano Dushkritiha: One who avoids mishaps to devotees and uplifts them
even though they do evil acts He removes their sins and cleanses them and saves them from troubles
Paryavasthitha: Narsimha deva is everywhere in all directions, up below side in all surroundings and by His loud roar removes our fears

Antaka: One who destroys everyone during pralaya 
Vikramah Vikrami – During pralaya Narsimha tears apart linga deha of all jeevas and dances, his steps are very intense and special
Rudra Manohara: One who looks very ferocious. One who does sanhaar of all by being in Rudra. Being bhayankara and called as Rudra and is sanhaar karak for Shiva also and residing in him, He is the Makaar in the syllable OM.

||Shri Krishnarpanamastu||

श्रीवराहहयवदनस्तोत्रम् ॥ Shree VarahaHayavadana Stotram !

ॐ ॥ विदारितनिशाचरौ विशदवेदविद्याकरौ प्रपन्नजनतावनौ प्रशिथिलीकृताश्वाननौ । मनोरमतमकृती मदनमानिताधःकृती वराहतुरगाननौ वनजलोचनौ नौम्यहम् ॥

वराभयदरारिभिर्वलयवल्गुहस्तद्युभिः प्रबोधशुभपुस्तकप्रगुणशँखमाल्यैर्युतौ।हरिन्मणिमणिद्युती हरवितायमानस्तुती वराहतुरगाननौ वनजलोचनौ नौम्यहम् ॥

मनोज्ञपदसारसौ महितजानुमध्योरसौ त्रिरेखशुभकन्धरौ त्रिजगदाद्ृतश्रीकरौ । विभुषणगणाश्रयौ विमलहारमालाश्रयौ वराहतुरगाननौ वनजलोचनो नौम्यहम् ॥

रसामृतरसाञ्कितौ रसिकभक्तवर्गाञ्चितौ प्रसादभरितेक्षणौ प्रमथमण्डलीशिक्षणौ ।विरुद्धधुरसञ्गरौ महितशक्तितोऽभंगुरौ वराहतुरगाननौ वनजलोचनो नौम्यहम् ॥

सुखानुभवविग्रहौ सुजनसँघरक्षाग्रहौ विनोदजितदानवौ विलसदाकृती श्रीनवौ । भवाब्धिभयभञ्जनौ निजपदं सदा ध्यायिनां वराहतुरगाननौ वनजलोचनो नौम्यहम् ॥

वराहतुरगास्ययोर्वरनुतिं निजैर्वश्ययोः कृपानिलयनेत्रयोः कृपणभक्तहन्मित्रयोः । यतिः शमलशान्तये यमिविमृग्यह्रद्दान्तये व्यधत्त विलसत्पदां विमलवादिराजाभिधः ॥

॥इति श्रीमद्वादिराजपुज्यचरणविरचितं श्रीवराहहयवदनस्तोत्रम् सम्पूर्णम् ॥


This stotra gives

  • Stability to people in business
  • stability for those struggling in career
  • gets you a stable job
  • gets you promotion in job
  • gets one a Govt. job
  • takes one to a top post
  • it gives stability and peace in life
  • it gives innovation in ones area
  • it gets good review in profession
  • it settles a person in best possible way
  • it brings still mind and Lord stays in it .
  • it brings satsanga
  • for students bad habits and bad influence will stop
  • it will give good education and admission into good institutes
  • It will give vashikarana of near and dear ones . [ already known people]

Snana -2 !


snana with indian gooseberry [ nellikayi ,amla ] and eating amla give VISHNUPREETI . HARI is especially pleased with those who take bathw ith amla powder on ekadashi day and dwadashi day both snana and eating of amla is very auspicious and gains special affection of LORD Vishnu

VYASA rishi says ,

those days where snana with amalaki is prohibited are

  1. saptami
  2. navami
  3. sunday
  4. tuesday
  5. eclipse
  6. sankranti
  7. sashti
  8. parvadina
  9. night times
  10. pournima
  11. amavasya

shatataap rishi says one must not take snana with amalaki in the early morning hours .. this puts all the days as nishiddha .. then dwadashi one must do snana with amalaki becomes an exception …rest days afternoon bath ,evening bath can be done with amalaki .

If one does snana with malaki on the nishiddha prohibited days than one will suffer poverty ..

if prohibited days fall on ekadashi then amalaki snana on such days gives immense punya .. so say shattrinshansmriti …


  1. snana with til
  2. applying til powder to entire body
  3. homa with til
  4. pitru tarpana with til
  5. eating til and jaggery
  6. giving dana of til

those who perform these six karmas will never get tired and tiredness will cease if any ..

Vyasa says those who desire the betterment of servants ,friends and wife should never touch til  on

  1. amavasya
  2. sankraman
  3. ashtami
  4. sunday
  5. poornima
  6. vyatipaata
  7. eclipse
  8. vaidhruti yoga
  9. midnight
  10. ekadashi
  11. dwadashi
  12. vrata days

during the evening and night times one must use oil or powders of til either for eating or snana ,eating food which is larger than its seed during night reduces wealth ..


  1. Pashaan mantra
  2. Avahana
  3. namaskaar
  4. arghya
  5. prarthana
  6. anugnya
  7. snana
  8. ten tarpana

these eight kriya completes the samudra snana and makes one eligible to get samudra snana phala .

these are :


पिप्पलाादसमुत्तन्ने कृत्ये लोकभयँकरी । पाषाणम ते मया दत्त माहारार्थम प्रकल्पितम् ॥

आ‌वाहन मंत्र

पिशाची च घृताची च विश्वयोने विशाम् पते । सानिध्यम् कुरुमे देव सागरे लवणांधसि ॥

नमस्कार मंत्र

नमस्ते विश्वगुप्ताय नमो विष्णुवपां पते ।नमो जलधिरूपाय नदीनाम् पतये नमः ॥

अर्घ्य मंत्र

सर्वरत्नमयः श्रीमान सर्वरत्नाकराकर । सर्वरत्नप्रदातस्त्वं  गृहाणामर्घ्यम् महोदधे ॥

प्रार्थना मंत्र

पृथिव्याम् यानि तीर्थानि प्राविशंस्त्वाम् महोदधे । स्नातस्य मे फलम् देहि सर्वस्मादपि चांधसः ॥

अभ्यनुज्ञा मंत्र

समस्तजगदाधार शंखचक्रगदाधर । अनुज्ञाम् देहि मे देव युष्मत्तीर्थनिषेवणे ॥

स्नान मंत्र

वेदादयो वेदवशिष्ठ योनिः सरित्पतिः सागररत्नयोनिः । अग्निश्च मे तेज इला च तेजो रेतोधा यज्ञममृतस्य च नाभिः ॥इदं तेऽन्याभिरसमानमद्भिर्याः काश्च सिंधुम् प्रविशंत्यापः । सर्वो जीर्णामिव त्वचं जहाते पापं शरीरात्सशिरस्कोऽभ्युपेत्य ॥

तर्पण मंत्र

  1. पिप्पलादम् तर्पयामि
  2. कविं तर्पयामि
  3. कण्वं तर्पयामि
  4. कृतांतम् तर्पयामि
  5. जीवकेश्वरं तर्पयामि
  6. मन्युम् तर्पयामि
  7. कालरात्रिम् तर्पयामि
  8. विद्यां तर्पयामि
  9. अहर्गणेश्वरं तर्पयामि
  10. समुद्रम् तर्पयामि

तदनंतरं  देव तर्पणम्  ‍रिषि तर्पणम् पितृ तर्पणम्

this completes the smaudra snana

one must not do achamana with samudra water .. one must not do achaman with hot water and tarpana should be given from samudra water only ..





Snana -1 !

Snana is karma . it is just not cleansing of body with water but a karma that gives different results fruits in various situations.

Snana is nitya karma , that we do on a daily basis in three sandhyas .

Snana taken on specific occasion like 1> eclipse , 2>  after having touched rajaswala stree ,or antyaj mletch or 3> during asuchi  are all naimittika snana

Snana undertaken to get the desires of the life fulfilled like increase in longevity ,wealth , health etc increase in beauty , lustre ,skin tone ,increase in radiance of body , etc .. OR having desires of other life like Svarga etc is known as KAAMYA SNANA .

Those desirous of fruits of karma should carry out snana for phala those who do not desire fruits should carry out the SNANA for HARIPREETI ..

How to do such SNANA we shall elaborate .

PULASTYA rishi says :

  1. every month Pushya nakshatra
  2. ones own janma nakshatra
  3. vaytipaata yoga
  4. vaidhriti yoga
  5. amavasya
  6. dintraya

SNANA on these days will release the seven ancestors from their sins .. that means a snana taken with proper instructions on these days will not only destroys one’s own sins but also destroys sins of father grandfather their father and forefathers seven generations .. and if done on dintraya it will grace a crore [kulkotim samuddharet ] generations .

SUNDAY and TUESDAY one should take bath in river , for those who do that , just as LION does not have fear of other wild animals in forest similarly one will not have fear of diseases .

One who takes bath in a river near the sannidhi of RUDRA DEVARU on CHAITRA KRISHNA CHATURDASHI one will never attain the pretatva [ one will never become preta ,bhoota pisacha etc ] . If done in GANGA river it is very much more effective .

BHAVISHYA purana says

The water body very near to a SHIVALINGA is known as SHIVAGANGA , those who take bath in this Shivaganga , get relived from all their sins and reach abode of RUDRA DEVA

Yamasmriti says

Kartik pournami bath in PUSHKAR and MAGH Pournami a snana in Prayaag will destroy all the sins of the person .

Jyestha SHUKLA NAVAMI if there is hasta Nakshatra on that day the it is very auspicious .. a bath in ganga on this day will relieve one from the sins made in last 10 TEN BIRTHS .

MAGH KRISHNA CHATURDASHI if one takes bath in YAMUNA river or VAISHAAKH SHUKLA TRITIYA [ akshya tritiya ] in GANGA will take away all the sins of this birth .


Surya grahana -during solar eclipse a bath in GANGA will give punya equivalent to donating infinite cows in a proper vedic manner .

Padma purana says

KARTIK shukla  NAVAMI is very dear to Pitrus .. so a snana dana homa on this day by the side of river pleases the forefathers who have departed .


MAGHA saptami is equivalent to Surya grahana .. a snana during arunodaya on this day will give immense punya .

Chaitra shukla ashtami if it is with Punarvasu nakshatra and also if that day happens to be Wednesday than it is a very very auspicious day .. a  snana in river on this day will give punya of having done VAAJPEYA YAGNYA .- VISHNU vachan .

SHATATAP rishi says

On an amavasya if it is SUNDAY or Tuesday just a snana on this day in ganga will give punya equivalent to having donated 1000 cows .

puranas say

Ashwij pournami to kaartika pournami one should take bath everyday in river , do japa of vishesha mantras ,should eat only havishya items , and remain with complete indriya nigraha .. then one gets relieved from all sins and becomes purified in mind and body .

The months of libra ,capricorn and aries , one should get up early in the morning and take bath in rivers and should be in bramhacharya vrata eat only havishya then one will get relieved from all sins of this birth .

YAMA says

Those who desire wealth and worldly pleasures and also svarga should take bath during lunar and solar eclipse . and should take bath before sunrise during pushya pournami to phalguna poornima  everyday .

matsya purana says ,

Four months from ASHADHA poorima to KAARTIKA poornima  everyday one should take bath early in the morning …everyday one should give bramhna bhojana andon KAARTIKA poornima one should give GODAANA … This is Known as  VISHNU VRATA . One gets Vishnuloka by doing this .


The month starting the end of Pushya masa and before the beginning of Phalguna masa is known as MAGHA MASA . according to sage NARADA month occurs in three ways ..

  1. From poornima to poornima it is knwon as poornimaantamasa  … in this type pushya poornima to magha poornima is known as MAGHA MASA
  2. from amavasya to amavasya is known as amavasyantamaas ….in this krama pushya amavasya to magha amavasya will be magha masa . both above are chandra maana masa .
  3. from one solar ingress to another solar ingress is known as saurmasa  ,,, in this krama the month starting from makar sankranti to kumbha sankranti is known as magha masa .. this is saura maana masa ..

In these three types of magha masa ,one can choose as per their tradition or can choose all the three types of months for snana which will give immense punya .

In this month rivers keep saying aloud from arunoday time till suryodaya       .. ” please come take bath we shall relieve you of all sins ,.. lets see who is lucky among you .who is the fortunate one ! ”

small children or young boys or old men women or transgenders , all and everyone should take bath during maghamasa in a river ..This will give all sorts of desires to the one who takes bath …

While doing this snana ,one should not cover oneself with sweater or blanket while going to the river . If one gets troubles by the cold wind then one must resist such a cold weather and continue the snana .. One must never try to get rid of cold during the snana ..if one does the snana in this manner taking the cold into ones stride .. with each step he takes towards river while going and coming from river ONE GETS ASHWAMEDHA YAGNYA punya for each step .

one should not use fire agni before or after snana .. to relieve oneself of cold weather .

SNANA in river gives mahaphala … for those who do not have river …

  1. river water
  2. water flowing with quick speed
  3. water taken in a new pot a previous day ,if this water is kept in an open place below sky ,where wind flows freely .. if kept from night till dawn

these three types of water is equivalent to Ganga . This water can be used for Snana and will give ganga snana phala .

before starting MAgha snana , one should do snakalpa that I will do the snana daily in a river for a month .. Then one should recite what type of niyama one will undertake for the month .. and then start the snana …

One must do sankalpa everyday before snana too

MANTRAs to be recited while doing snana will be given in subsequent posts ..

one must recite them ..With much devotion one must take bath month long in the river water ….

After the snana one must take the mrittika of that teertha river and annoint himself .. one must also put the mrittika on ones head ..

then one must put gopichandana and mudras …one must give arghya to SURYA in a vedokta manner .. one must give tarpana to Pitrus ..

then one must come out of the water .. in any circumstance one must not speak ..JUST AS WOOD DOES NOT SPEAK .. one must be like wood … This is known as KAASHTHAMAUNA . One must come home with this type of mauna .

One must worship with stotra the MADHAVA rupa of HARI which has SHANKHA CHAKRA .. one must give agnihotra in agni ..other homas should be done ..

Entire month one must not travel anywhere .. one must reside at one place only ..one must sit in single aasan .  Those who are capable should do bramhacharya vrata and sleep on ground … those who are not capable and those who are rich can stay as they wish .. But in magha masa those capable or incapable must adhere to some special niyamas , that would give effective results ..


to be continued …. this post will go on  for several days !




32 Aparadhas !

VARAHA purana gives in details the  32 mistakes that one should not commit while doing VISHNU pooja . committing which pooja is not accepted by the LORD ./. what are they ?

Sridevi Asks Lord after having known 100 aparadhas that could be committed while devatarchana which should be averted  by alert sevaka .. i wish to know 32 main amongst these which needs to be absolutely avoided !

Varaha deva says !

Devataarchana after:

  1. anointing tirayak pundra [ addanaama , vibhuti ]
  2. after having taken meals
  3. without brushing teeth
  4. archana with borrowed [pleaded begged bargained  ] flowers leaves and fruits
  5. without washing feet and legs entering temple and doing pooja
  6. eating chewing pan masala or tamboola before the idol
  7. having eaten food made of safflower /sunflower leaves flowers and then doing devataarchana
  8. flowers of creepers , palash should not be used for archana
  9. the fools should not worship at asuri kaala [ after vihit kaala ]
  10. giving naivedya of the anna prepared by avaishnava
  11. doing pooja of VISHNU when elders / gurus are present in the vicinity
  12. burning incense [ gugullu ] without using ghee for LORD
  13. using only ghee for the incense
  14. using palms  for aarti or only thread or cotton [ or not dripped enough ]
  15. doing pooja while in presence of avaishnavas looking at them
  16. bathing LORD with idol in left hand or using left hand during pooja
  17. giving naivedya of the items which are a day old or prepared previous day ,giving naivedya of the dishes prepared through remote heat [ like microwave or like tandoor ] steek tikka sizzler etc  is prohibited
  18. doing pooja wearing blue dress or giving blue dress to LORD ,adorning LORD with dress which is washed nine times or torn or worn out dresses
  19. offering lord any item that has contacted the nails or contacted water falling through nails .doing pooja making noise , conversation , without silence ,doing pooja with profusely sweating body
  20. doing pooja of lord holding the vaat mutra [ urine . fart or faeces ],when  there is urge for it ,if passed the air [ vaata ] through anus then continuing pooja without achamana
  21. doing pooja with complete covering from head to toe
  22. sitting/standing on high pedestal giving dhoop deepa ,giving dhoopa deepa without naivedya
  23. without doing pooja of the tatavdevatas in the dhamnis proceeding to vishnu pooja
  24. being shiva dweshi [ hating SHIVA ] ,or Hating Vishnu doing Shaiva pooja
  25. the pooja of those who do not do nakta vrata on ashtami is not accepted by lord ,the pooja of those who do not do harivasara is not accepted by lord
  26. worshipping Vihsnu as someoneelse or someone else as vishnu is not acceptable 
  27. doing pooja without worshipping  Vighneshwara and Kaapali is not acceptable [ this would result in difficulties all the three times a day ]
  28. worshipping in darkness touching idols  like  a blind man 
  29. worshipping Lord after talking to rajaswala
  30. lighting the oil lamp with safflower castor  oil is prohibited
  31. one who does not do ekadashi upavas his pooja is not acceptable
  32. doing archan without the knwoledge of tantrasara

all the above aparadhas are considered as mahaaparadhas and LORD does not forgive them .. but those who stay awake in the night of ekadashi and recite vishnusahasranaam LORD forgives thousands of aparadhas ..




KrishNaashTAmi Vrat !

||SHriGurubhyo namaha ||

At the stroke of midnight when moon tenants  Rohini Nakshatra  in the dark half of the lunar month when kalaashtami tithi exists  , that ashtami is considered as ‘ JAYANTI ” in the shastras which is capable of destroying all the evils and sins .On such  a ashtami even though HARi is without birth and death , he manifested [ SHRIKRISHNA PRADURBHAVA ] as SHRI KRISHNA .

AS LORD has manifested in a  beautiful form , that day is most sacred and removes all miseries of devotees in an extraordinary way . So everyone must worship in a special way , especially dwijas must worship without fail by fasting as per shastras, without fail .

Those who out of loss control of senses eat or partake food  , it would be akin to eating blood soaked meat , Thus one must undertake  fast on this auspicious day .

One must get up early in morning before sunrise  and after completing morning chores , leaving aside laziness , should bathe in a manner as prescribed by agamas …while bathing following mantra should be recited

Yogaay yogapataye yogeshwaraaya yogasambhavaay Shree Govindaaya namo namah ||”

again with above mantras one should complete sandhyavandan and nityakarmas ..

 In the afternoon /evening again one must bathe with above mantra …. [ before 11 am ]

Then onemust perform nitya pooja with follwoing mantra

yagnyay yagnyapataye yagneshwaraya yagnasambhavaya shree govindaya namo namah ||

at this point one must also worship vasudeva ,devaki ,nandgopa yashoda and subhadra and balaraama ..along with Krishna …

Just as  the moon  rises in the night around midnight , one must stand up to  give Achyuta as present in chandramandala [ bimba of the moon in the sky ]  arghya and other archana with follwoing mantra

‘Jaatah kamsavadhaarthaayah bhoobhaarottaarNaya ch | kaouravaNaam vinaashaaya daitayaanaam nidhanaay ch || paaNDavaaNaam hitaarthaya dharmasansthaapanaaya  ch | grahaaNaarghyam mayaa dattam devakyaa sahito Hare  ‘ ||

take milk  along with sandal paste tulasi fragrant flowers coins  and leave it in the plate near tulasi looking at the moon [ remember bharatiya ramana mukhyapranantargata krishna in the moon ] in a standing position  .. repeat the mantra with water …

the similarly give arghya to MOON seated along with his wife ROHINI … with following mantras

‘KSheerodaarNav sambhoot atri gotra samudBhava | grahaNaarghyam maya dattam RohiNya sahitah Shashinah  ||

Worship KRISHNA with manyusukta [ non dwijas with Krishnastaka ]

and worship MOON with following mantra

” Shashine chandradevaaya somadevaaya chendave | mrugiNE sheetabimbaaya lok deepaay deepine | sheeta deedhiti bimbaay taarakaapataye namaha ”

After upasanhaara .. one must remain with bramhacharya and controll all the senses .. recite

‘Vishwaay vishwapataye vishweshwaraay vishwasambhavaay shree govindaaya namo namaha ||

and then one must say Krishnaarpanamastu and sleep ..

Get up next day early in the morning … complete nityaahnika and then

give daana to a bramhin as per capacity reciting following mantra

” sarvaaya sarvapataye sarveshwaraaya sarva sambhavaaya Shree govindaya namonamaha ||”

then recite following mantra to give bramhana bhojana  and then  complete paarane

” Dharmaya dharmapataye dharmeshwaraaya  dharma sambhavaaya shree govindaaya namo namaha  ” ||

By  completing the vrata as above one will attain swarga as sins burn out completely and relieved one attains Moksha …





One of the most potent and quick to give result is ShriRAAMA upasana .this upaasana which everyone can adhere to gives extraordinary progress in one’s career !

  • It guarantees a very sincere good natured husband for the unmarried .[ PARVATI DEVI MARRIED SHIVA THROUGH THIS UPASANA ]
  • It improves marital life [if only sadhakas carry out oupaasana of SRIRAAMA AND SEETADEVI AS NITYAAVIYOGI ] .
  • It gives enormous wealth to those who are severely in cash crunch .
  • For those who wish to be more upright , dharmic and wish to be austere , this upasana gives them a definite progress in spirituality.
  • It is excellent upasana for the beginners , and advanced yogi alike.
  • It gives immense cleansing of sins for the beginners to get a clean mind fit for shravana manana and dhyana .
  • For an advance yogi it speeds up path to aparoksha
  • just for the spiritually initiated ,it is most fascinating rupas of HARI ,which is appealing and easy for dhyana  in hrutkamal .[.[ it opens all the chakras ]
  • it gives immense peace and moda . [ everyday will be a festival ]
  • it is excellent upaasana for those who aspire big and want to achieve big .
  • If you dont want to err in life and want to be called as a good man to be remembered ,get on to this upaasana ,the results will be visible within first few weeks .
  • If you have  a big family to support , this upaasana sails you through .
  • If you want to be a just ruler , continue this upaasana till death , people will love you forever .
  • If you want to accomplish impossible tasks , Srirama upasana is sure shot karyasiddhi mantra .
  • if you have a dangerous enemy to tackle ,Start RAAMA upasana , the most dangerous will look tiny before  your stature .
  • If you are working in  a big organisation and you have no friends and no god father , this upaasana will get you one immediately ,.
  • If you are on  a major assignment and are seeking help and collective efforts , sincerely immerse in the upaasana of RAAMA , you will get lifelong associates who would be ready to die for you and help you in your assignment ,
  • If you have marital distraught or conjugal disturbances ,separation from spouse , Sriraama Upaasana will get you to your beloved faster than thoughts .
  • It will give famous and extraordinary progeny .
  • SRIRAAMA upasana will immediately end family disputes and bring harmony in joint and nuclear families alike .
  • Sriraama upaasana will shower  blessings of all the Deities .
  • It will give chaturvidh purushartha .
  • It will make spiritual journey a cakewalk .


  1. Get up early  on a SUNDAY before sunrise .
  2. MAke a sankalpa of the UPAASANA
  3. Sitting on the bed , remember LORD SEETA RAAMA along with LAXMAN and HANUMAN . recite RAMESH STUTI !
  4. Remember LORD  NARAYANA with eight arms and eight weapons while brushing teeth [ use neem or mango twig ]
  5. Take bath with Tulasi mrittika mixed in the water bucket .
  6. While taking bath remember NARAYANA with SRI and BHU on his two laps , and other deities bathing him with amruta [nectar ] from the CHANDRA MANDALA.
  7. REMEMBER UPENDRA namak HARI while wearing a dry clothes [ Upendra is brother of INDRA and VISHNU Avatara ]
  8. After wearing dry clothes , remember BRAMHA etc devatas ,, KASHYAPA etc rishis and VASU etc pitrus .
  9. DO sankalpa [ remember your Great grandfather , grandfather and FATHER and resolve that this punya be shared by them] that You will carry out the UPAASANA this day and RAGHAVENDRA SWAMY antargata HANUMAT antargata Seeta RAAMA be pleased ]
  10. Apply gopichandana [ Bramhins 12 naamas and others only one ]
  11. make a space between the naama invite HARI there .[ bramhins papapurusha visarjana , bhutochchatan , asan shiddhi , digbandhan ,pranayama anganyasa karanyasa ]
  12. Bring in the fresh water and filter it with muslin cloth thrice .
  13. make five  patra [ fill one with sandal and flowers , 2 with padmaka and flowers , 3 with lavancha ,4with  kumkum kesari karpoor 5 plain water ][ ganga avahana moolamantra ,ghantanadam deepa prajwalan shankha pooja , pooja dravya shuddhi]
  14. keep ready some Tulasi leaves or tulasi kastha .
  15. mix some sandal powder with tulasi kastha [ BRAMHINS make a sandal paste with sandal stick with saffron and karpoor and tulasi kastha ]
  16. Achamana .[ asan mandal shuddhi ]
  17. Keep a RAJYABHISHEKA SRIRAAMA PHOTO before you on a clean raised altar [ if there is no alter use a peetha ][ Bramhins bramha paara stotra ]
  18. clean the photo with a spoon of water and clean cloth . [ Bramhins use shaligrama and recite ambhrani sukta  and make nirmalya visarjana make a dhyana of rudra holding the nirmalya on his head  ]
  20. DO dhyana of SHRIRAMA as present in HANUMAN in the PHOTO [ shaligrama ] [ Bramhins 108 moolmantra japa , tatva nyasa , akshara nyasa , avahana of hrutkamal stith SRIRAMA shavasa margena into pratima through a pushpa flower ,or bimbaaikya chintana in shaligrama , nirmalya snana is bimbaaiykya chinatana ]
  21. Recite RAAMA nama for 108 , 1008 as per capacity .
  22. offer a tulasi dala to the LORD . Ask Lord to be seated firmly happily on to simhasanam.
  23. Put plain water as padya
  24. put some padmaka agaru and karpoor with flowers in a small patra and offer arghya to the RAAMA .
  25. Kukum kesari water as achamaneeya
  26. sandal water with flowers as snana . [ BRAMHINS recite  pururshsukta ] for a photo just sprikle water with a flower .
  27. place a tulasi dala [ vastra ]
  28. place a tulasi dala [ yagnyopaveeta]
  29. Then apply gandha sandal paste [ gandham ]
  30. recite RAAMA dashakam [ women need not offer tulasi instead place flowers and recite dashakam ] offer flowers
  31. Recite Vishnu sahsranaam, use akshata or kumkum haridra parimala for archana ,
  32. Bramhins can do avarana pooja here .
  33. Offer deepam soak well in ghee or til oil five batti and then lit the wicks .
  34. Offer dhoop [ only hand rolled ones or get  charcoal and put dashanga powder on it ] [ all the while read rama stuti ]
  35. recite nAivedya prakara stotra and offer coconut , bring some cowdung lit it , hold a small pan put some ghee , after ghee is hot pour some wheat floor and jaggery,[ if possible you can use dry fruits , and cows milk only ]  in three minutes you will get a good cooked mixture . make five laddoos out of it .
  36. keep laddos in a silver plate or panchaloha plate or plain banana leaves .along with coconut . make a mandala and then place plate . if not mandala draw a good rangavalli .
  37. Put some tulasi dala on it , [ Bramhins use gayatri and parisinchan mantra paryavekshana mantra ] . [ show mudras ]
  38. recite Naivedya prakara stotra
  39. if time permits dwadash stotra .
  40. with lavancha water offer naivedya with prana apana mantra ..
  41. give two spoons of water as madhy madhye paaniyam samarpayami [ use sandal and lavancha water ]
  42. recite RAAMA naammantra 108 time[ bramhins moola mantra ]
  43. offer the same naivedya to HANUMAN [ narsimha prasadoyam pratigruhyataam  Acharya Srimadacharya santu me janma janmani ]
  44. recite avatar traya stotra .
  45. recite SriRaama kavacham .
  46. pushparadhana [ offer remaining flowers and kumkum ]
  47. Give dhoopa again
  48. Give aarti [ recite Venkatesh stotra or kuldevta stotra NARAYANA only ]
  49. Make a pradakshina namasakaara
  50. read once kuru stotra . [ Bramhins show chamara darpana vyajana and shankha bramana mantra pushpa and then read once manyu sukta  vayu sukta and Raghavendra astottara .and end with moolmantra japa ]
  51. sit quietly and read adya anta shloka of RAAMCHARITRA MANJARI .
  52. take teertha and prasaad
  53. Out of five one is for self ,one for family , one for homa [ if you do anuyaga ] one for atithi if he comes during the pooja . Last one invite one bramhin couple to the house , offer it to then along with tamboola and dakshina and other upacharas as per capacity . Say krishnarpanamastu .
  54. eat along with family and friends good festive food .
  55. sprinkle the remaining kalash water to all corners of the house .

It is for this Same RAAMA upasana RAYARU has come on the earth from BRAMHALOKA . As Shankukarna he was deity incharge of bringing Tulasi to the RAAMA upasana that BRAMHA was doing in BRAMHALOKA ,. Everyday as BRAMHA was worshipping MOOLARAMA  VIGRAHA , Shankukarna secretly nurtured the desire to do the archana of SRIMOOLARAAMA . One day As SHRIRAAMACHANDRA present in SHANKUKARNA inspired him to delay the supply of TULASI to Bramha . BRAMHA [ though a sampoorn saatvika and adhipati of MAHATTATVA does not have an iota of tamas in him to have dosha like anger ] yet showed anger on SHANKUKARNA and cursed him to be born on earth firstly as demon and later as human . The idea behind the curse was let SHANKUKARNA fulfill his desire of worshipping the RAAMA vigraha on the earth .This is known as ANUGRAHA SHAAPA !

Shankukarna was born as Prahalada . and then as SHRI RAGHAVENDRA SWAMY ,

Bramha gave the MOOLARAMA vigraha to MANUputra KING IKSHVAKU and then it remained with SURYA VANSHI KINGS including LORD RAAMA whereby it was worshipped by BHARAT SHATRUGHNA VIBHEESHANA and HANUMAN , from there it came to BHEEMSENA during DWAPARA , from there it remained with GAJAPATY kings in orissa ,  FROM ORISSA NARHARITEERTHA [ disciple of MADHVACHARYA ] who ruled KALINGA for 12 years [ as a result of RAAMAUPASANA as stated above ] brought it and gave it MOOLSANSTHANA of MADHVACHARYA . as the parmapara descended , GURUSARVABHOUMA RAGHAVENDRA teertha worshipped this MOOLARAAMA VIGRAHA fulfilling his long cherished desire .

MOOLRAAMA is still being worshipped in MANTRALAYAM by the saints of this Great PARAMAPARA of which we are all proud to be part of !


रमेश स्तुतिः

ॐ ॥ प्रातः स्मरामि वरकुण्डलशोभिगण्डं शीतांशुमण्डलमुखं सितवारिजाक्षम्।आताम्रकम्रमुदिताधरबिम्बजृम्भिध्यातृप्रहर्षकरहासरसं रमेशम् ॥ प्रातर्भजामि शुभकौस्तुभकम्बुकण्ठं स्फीतात्मवक्षसि विराजितभूरिहारम्। भीतस्वभक्तभयभञ्जनपाणिपद्मं शातोदरार्पितजगदभरमब्जनाभम् ॥ प्रातर्नमामि शुभकिंकिणिमेखलांगम् पीताम्बरं करिकरोरुमुदारजानुम् । ख्यातांघ्रियुग्मरुचिरंजितकञ्जजात वातादिदेववरमौलिमणिं मुकुंदम् ॥ वादिराजयतिप्रोक्तं श्लोकत्रयमिदं शुभम्।प्रा्तःकाले पठन् मर्त्यः पापेभ्यः प्रविमुच्यते ॥



प्रातः स्मरामि रघुनाथपदारविन्दं मन्दस्मितं मधुरभाषविशालफालम्।कर्णावलंबिचलकुण्डललोलगण्डं कर्णान्तदीर्घनयनं नयनाभिरामम् ॥ प्रातर्भजामि रघुनाथपदारविन्दं रक्षोगणाय भयदं वरदं द्विजेभ्यः । यद्राज्यसंसदि विभज्य महेशचापम् सीताकरग्रहणमण्डलमाप सद्यः ॥ प्रातर्नमामि रघुनाथपदारविन्दं वज्रांकुशादिशुभरेखध्वजावहं मे। योगीन्द्रमानसमधुव्रतसेव्यमानं शापापहं सपदि गौतमधर्मपत्न्याः॥ प्रातःश्रये श्रुतिनुतां रघुनाथकीर्तिम् नीलाम्बुदोत्पलसितेतररत्ननीलाम् ।आमुक्तमौलिकविभूषणभूषणाढ्यां ध्येयां समस्तमुनिभिर्जनमृत्युहन्त्रीम् ॥ प्रातर्वदामि वचसा रघुनाथनाम वागदोषहारि सकलं शमलं निहन्ति । यत्पार्वती स्वपतिना सह भोक्तुकामा प्रीत्या सहस्रहरिनामसमं जजाप ॥ यः श्लोकपञ्चकमिदं नियतं पठेद्यः प्रातः प्रभातसमये पुरुषः प्रबुद्धः । श्रीरामकिञ्करजनेषु स एव मुख्यो भूत्वा प्रयाति हरिलोकमनन्यलभ्यम् ॥ वादिराजयतीप्रोक्तं पञ्चकं जानकीपतेः।श्रवणात् सर्वपापघ्नं पठनान्मुक्तिदायकम् ॥



ॐ॥ हे राम जलदश्याम स्वामिन्निर्दोषपूरूष । भीम तामसयोनीनां मा मा मुञ्च तवानुगान् ॥ उपकृत्यै सज्जनानामपकृत्यै तथाऽसताम । नमतामंहसो हत्यै भूत्यै सर्वदिवौकसाम् ॥ भीत्यै खरादिदैत्यानां प्रीत्यै च वनवासिनाम् । स्वस्यापि महिमोन्नत्यै नीत्यै चारण्यचारिणौ ॥ ब्रह्मरुद्रादिभिर्देवैर्रचितौ श्रुतिचर्चितौ । ज्ञानानन्दमयौ ध्यातृप्रियौ सर्वगुणाश्रयौ ॥ ध्वजवज्रांकुशाम्भोजराजितौ राजपूजितौ । रक्तपद्मोपमौ ध्वस्तश्रमौ विद्रावितभ्रमौ ॥ नारीकृतशिलौ रम्यतळौ दिव्यांगुलीदलौ । वृत्तमौक्तिकसङ्काशनखौ त्रिजगतीसुखौ ॥ विचित्रभूषणोपेतौ भीषणौ त्यक्तदूषणौ । लक्ष्मीधराकराम्भोजसेवितौ सिद्धभावितौ ॥ अनन्तवैदिकपदास्पदौ स्वजनसम्पदौ । अजाण्डभञ्जनौ धूताञ्जनौ भुवनरञ्जनौ ॥ क्ष्माभारहारिणौ मुक्तिकारिणौ भववैरिणौ । पार्थदत्तधनौ युक्त्याऽपार्थीकृतसुयोधनौ ॥ तेवनौत्सुक्यतो भूमिपावनौ प्रणतावनौ । सीताभीरामौ श्रीरामचरणौ शरणं मम ॥ इमानि दश पद्यानि श्रमापह्रतये सताम् । यतिना वादिराजेन कृतिना रचितानि वै ॥





कौसल्यासुत ताटकामथ मखत्रातर्मुनिस्त्रीहित छिन्नेष्वासन जानकीवृत वनवासिन् खराद्यन्तक । मारीचघ्न हनूमदीश रविजार्तिच्छेद बद्दाम्बुधे सेनाभ्रातृसमेत रावणरिपो सीतेष्ट रामाव माम् ॥


नैवेद्य प्रकारःस्तोत्र

ॐ॥ नित्यानन्द चिदाकृते त्रिजगतीचित्रान्नभुक्तेऽनिशं विष्वग्व्याप्त बृहच्छरीर निरनिष्टावद्यविद्रावण ।मुक्ताधीश्वर दुर्घटान्नघटनाचातुर्यधुर्य प्रभो कः कुर्यात्प्रति ते विनाऽञ्जलिपुटं भक्तोऽल्पको वा महान् ॥ सर्पिः पायसकर्दमामृतनदीनाथेदमाद्यं किल क्षुद्रक्षीरमपूपशाकविविधान्नाद्यं किलेदं तव । दुग्धाब्ध्युन्मथनोत्थसद्धन सुधाविश्राणनं योऽकरोस्तस्य श्रीश तवान्वहं नम इति प्रह्वत्वमेवार्हणम् ॥ भक्त्या नाभजमीदृशं त्वसदृशं त्वां सद्वशं मादृशं प्रत्यप्यार्दृतया दृशं निजमनस्याद्यादृशं तादृशं । सोऽहं दुर्विषयौघमोहविषमो दोषोत्थरोषो द्विषो नाथेमां सुरयूथनाथ कुरुते गाथाब्धिपाथःपथम् ॥ वादिराजयतिप्रोक्तं श्लोकत्रयमिदं सदा पूजावसानसमये पठेत्केशवसन्निधौ ॥





Nitya Shrimanta Hanumanta ! – Kartru Tartamya

Shri Varaha Swamy says ” 20000 namaskara phala will be obtained by the one who lights 1 Lakh diyas to Hari , each diya should be dipped into  ghee . Half of this phala will come to those who dip it in the oil . If not dipped then only 1/4 th phala will be obtained . If cotton is brought from outside than the one who donates cotton gets phala as per his dana to the extent of half phala .Sudras and women if they have made namaskaras then 1/10th tarpana should be given ,and 1/100 times homa should be done , 1/1000th number bramhins should be fed . If done in this manner they will get twice the phala .

When someone employs a bramhin to do the one lakh  homa with ghee and til , he is known as yejamana , he gets 50000 namaskara phala if appropriate dana is given to the bramhin else no phala comes to him . If dana is made then yejamana gets 3/4 phala and 1/4 gets destroyed .

If yejamana is too weak and ridden with ill health then  y employing the bramhin , he may get complete punya – 1/16 th which gets destroyed ,

Women do not have right to perform any vedic rituals . So japa homa etc should not be done by them . If stree shudra engage in japa homa etc themselves or employ other stree shudra etc ,they will not get any phala out of it .

pradakshina namaskaara lighting of diyas should be done by the women and shudras themselves and homa tarpana etc they should get it done by the bramhins. In this manner they will not get any dosha . [ all those who do not have sanskaara come under shudra category ! as by birth everyone is born shudra only sanskaara makes them a dwija ]

When a one lakh vyahruti homa is done , one should  give as dana a wheat grain sized gold for every 1000 japa . By this 3 parts of punya will go to the yejamana . so for 1 lakh japa 100 grains of gold should be given as ideal dana .

If yejamana is Dhanik [ rich man ] then he should give twice the said dana . If yejamana is MAHADHANIK then he must give thrice the dana to get the 3 parts punya .

If yejamana is daridra then he should give half the dana . If yejamana is atidaridra  then he must give dana as per his capacity .

VARAHA rupi HARI continues :

Women should do austerities like vrata niyama etc only after taking the permission of their husband.

  • A mother can do austerities for a son ,
  • a wife can do austerities for her husband ,
  • a son can do for parents ,
  • a upadhyaya can do for his students ,
  • a poshaka [ guardian , caretaker ] can do austerities for his ward .
    But all of these should do the austerities by taking the permission of a bramhin , then they do not get any dosha . But they must do the austerities and then surrender the punyasanchaya that comes with it to the yejamana .
  • When mother is doing austerities , son is the yejamana ,
  • when wife is doing austerities husband is the yejamana
  • when upadhyaya is doing , student or abhyarthi is the yejamana .
  • anybody employing a bramhin is yejamana because bramhin is  a universal teacher .
  • By donating the punya sanchaya with the uddesha of yejamana , yejamana gets half punya of the austerities .
  • and the kartru will get 1/3rd punya ie mother wife upadhyaya etc will get 1/3rd punya .
  • If yejamana himself gets this done by someone other than the above mentioned kartru , then he gets only 1/4th punya . But if the kartru is well versed in vidhi then he gets half the punya .
  • If kartru [ the doer of austerity ] after getting permission from yejamana and promise of the austerity , if he does not do the austerity sincerely or abruptly messes with austerity , then kartru does not get any phala of the austerity .
  • However the yejamana gets his due of 1/4th phala  as according as the bramhin’s capacity ,despite lapse , if he resorts to proper dana .
  • If on account of greed of dana and out of curiosity or fun , bramhin agrees to do the austerity and lapses , he gets sins[ of yejamana and additionally the sin of lapse ] on account of it .after accepting the dana .
  • And the entire punya of his austerity [ till the moment of lapse ] goes to yejamana .
  • Marana etc karma if one resorts to and accepts the shulka [ fees ] for such abhicharik karma , such a bramhin is dwijaadhama .
  • This dwijadham gets 1/4th of the sin of abhichaara .
  • The acharya who suggests such abhichara gets half the sin .
  • yejamana gets complete sin of the abhichaara .
  • In this manner sins go on multiplying with every member included .it never gets nil and one suffers forever .
  • Whether one participates with enthusiasm or unwillingly sins will be definitely accrued , unwilling will get half of the willing .
  • Other sinful activities also bear the same sins , so one who desires progress and happiness , must never indulge in abhichara
  • By selling ved mantras if a bramhin earns money , then to mitigate the sin out of it , he must donate 1/4th of his earnings to get relief from vikrayadosha .
  • If the said bramhin is daridra then he can donate 1/4th , if he is atidaridra then 1/8 should be donated from his earnings , if mahadaridra then 1/16th .
  • If bramhin is dhanika then he must donate half of his ill earnings
  • if the bramhin is mahadhanika then he must donate 2/3rds to achive dravya shuddhi .
  • This should be always resorted to whenever one gets dushta dana Note : [ in kaliyuga dana is made by accepting some work from the reciepient so all shulka [ fees, salary ] is dana only . in previous yuga dana was given as at home as gift .] so all earnings which are not as prescribed by veda ie not in accordance with varnashrama dharma is dushta dana only . one  partakes sins of yejamana ie employer ,contractor or master .
  • In all dushta dana the above mentioned krama should be maintained to achieve dravya shuddhi , [ if this is not resorted to then one gets sins of employers and as employers in MNC are mletchas or contractors are mostly mletchas yavanas , their vishnu dwesha sins and panchapataka is shared by the salaried . this has increased in the miseries of the workers in these establishments which is evident from rising separation , divorce and murders and other harrasment cases ]
  • dravya shuddhi will avoid such mishaps occuring on account of sins of dushta dana .
  • When for money if one does homa etc then also such a krama should be followed .
  • If austerities are done for the others and one gets wealth out of it then by donating 1/8th of such belongings one gets free from the dosha .
  • Daridra and atidaridra can resort to half of it to get the relief .

Listening to all these issues DHARANI DEVI asked

hey dev! Whom we should call as daridra in this world ? Who are Dhanikas ,who are madhyamas [ middle class] ? who is mahadaridra and who are mahadhanika ? How should be shulka [ fees ] given in punya karya ? kinldyenlighten me ? ”

Shree VARAHA deva says ” A vipra who is engaged in sadachara [ austerities ] and who is a kutumbi [ having family ] and stithpragnya yet does not show any interest or is not keen in amassing wealth [ dhanarjanparanmukha ] is daridra .

one who earns easily the dhan and dhanya sufficient to feed his family for a year and does not have any loans is madhyama .

One who has capacity to increase the moola dhana apart from the dhana dhanya required to run the family year long is dhanik .

If one has dhanadhanya sufficient to run a family for two years and some moola dhana , he is knwon as dhanyatara .

More than dhanyatara is dhnayatam . If one earns sufficient grains only ,for a year for family  but does not have moola dhana he is known as Veera .so goes veeryatar and veeryatam .

The amount of money required to run a family for a year is known as mooladhana. so a dhanik should have mooladha plus grains worth a year . ie his family should run for  a year easily yet he has equivalent mooladhana as well .

Whatever is apart from mooldhana [ extra earnings of money ] is known as actual dhana .

One who has twice the amount of mooldhana apart from basic  mooldhana , he is known as dhanyatar. One who has more than the previous is known as dhanayatam .

Dhani and dhanyatar are known as madhyam [ middle class ] in a affluent nation .

dhanayatam is a rich man . similarly veera veeratar are madhyamas as well . Veeratam is dhanika.

One who has twice the capabilities of dhanika is mahadhanika .

  • similarly a veera who has capability to feed 100 families is mahadhanika .
  • one who can support 1000 families is NRUPA .
  • a little more is Samant
  • More capable [ ie of supporting more families] than samant is known RAJA.
  • One who controls and feeds and supports the families residing over 5 yojana [ 40 sq miles ] is known as  Samanta .
  • 50 yojana control is known as KING RAJA . a king must control atleast 400 sq miles of kingdom .
  • A MAHARAAJ  controls the area of  500 yojana  .
  • Ten times bigger kingdom is that of RAJADHIRAAJ [5000 yojanas= 40000 sq miles ie circumference of the modern earth ]
  • Ten times more is the one who is known as CHAKRAVARTI [ a earth is not enough for chakravarthi ]
  • half of madhyam is daridra . and half of daridra is mahadaridra .
  • so all those who do not have enough money to support their families for six months atleast are all daridras , and those who cannot support their families for three months in advance . are mahadaridras , and lesser than this are known as AKINNCHAN
  • note [ salaried class today does not even have capabilities to support the family for a month so we are all mahamahaakinchanas garva yattako ninage pamara manuja ]
  • Those desirous of punya should do godana , Dhanika onwards each should do greater godana by the factor two .
  • Mahadhanika should do godana of the cost of 32 masi gold . Nrupa 48 masi gold . Raja 64 , Maharaja should do 4 karsha gold and chakravarti 8 karsha .
  • Madhyama should give go of the cost of 160 grains .
  • daridra 80 grains
  • mahadaridra 40 grains
  • akinchana 20 grains .
  • Suvarna dana and shulka should also follow this krama .
  • Now we shall describe shulka
  • when bramhin does  1000 japa , yejamana if not capable he should give 12 ser of the wheat grains .
  • BUT ONE WHO TELLS MY[ VARAHA DEVA ] STORIES ,to him one SHOULD NOT  give any shulka , because by giving the punya to the listeners audience , LORD VARAHA gives him the shulka in the form of adrustha so , the shulka reaches him .
  • By telling the stories of the lord  when audience praise the vachak out of happiness , that praise is itself the fees from the audience , this gives vruddhi to the speaker /writer in all directions because it is me out of happiness , pleased with him praise him through the audience . This is itself a good omen and fees that reaches him as destiny .
  • If the audience and the lecturer both are nishkaami then both get mahatpunya .
  • one who gives grains to such bramhins engaged in the katha shravan adhyayan , such people are known as poshaka , Such poshaka will get punya as long as the grains donated by him stays in the house of bramhin and as a bonus he gets the half of the punya thereupon on every lecture made by the bramhin .
  • Vedadhyayan and bramhamimamsa pathi bramhin if his family is supported by a anyone , until the support exists , all the punya done by the bramhin , half of it will belong to the donor .
  • If someone gives  a bramhin even before asking the favour , he gets one fourth of the punya of the bramhin , but if one gives after asking , then he gets 1/6th only .
  • But after asking , even if capable if yejamana does not give the bramhin , then bramhin takes away all the punya of the yejamana .
  • If someone returns with empty handed with broken heart from the house of yejamaan , he gives his all sins to yejamana and takes away all his punya ,
  • BY Insult a bramhin gets tapovriddhi . By sanmaan a bramhin loses his punya and tapah bala . So if someone badmouths insults a bramhin , its a good day for the bramhin as the abuser takes away all the sins of bramhin . on the contrary when someone praises the bramhin , he walks away with all the punya of the bramhin .
  • So insults and daridra are bhooshana to a bramhin it increases his strength .
  • so to obtain good punya and increase in favours one must always look after bramhins and satisfy them . bramhins who do auserities for the yejamana ,
  • After seeing  Bramhin one must get up and with words deed and mind one must pay respects and give him seat with respect , this is sanatan dharma [ so says VARAHA GOD ]
  • One who abides by such rules , such yejamaana will always flourish with grains and money , water , lands and sweet speech and truth remains always in his house ,
  • By whatever is got through labour and hardwork if given to yachaka , why should it not bring prosperity ? definitely it will bring .
  • EARNINGS good or bad , if a part is given to Bramhins it cleanses one of the sins and dhana shuddhi is obtained .
  • If one gets  work done by the bramhins and then gives him some money then it is not known as dana but it is known as shulka .,
  • animals  birds ,snakes and reptiles if they feed their own belly it is not  a surprise . But very difficult to obtain this human life if in this human life if a BRAMHIN is not satisfied then it is  a surprise .
  • I have [ Varaha deva says ] two types of idol manifested , one is moving and other immovable . I reside in this idols , shaligrama is achala pratima and BRAMHIN is a achala pratima . VEDAS declare BRAMHINS as mouth of the LORD .
  • In this world people eat through mouth and get satisfied , So feeding bramhins is akin to satisfying HARI.
  • so feeding on paurnima , amavasya and specially DWADASHI fetches more punya .

This way world is divided into various tartamya of richness and daana gets static phala ,

Rich is one who has capability to get desired . In this world we do not see any rich getting his desired . EVEN if temporarily one gets desired the very next moment desired gets destroyed , So at all time we are not rich , Our richness wealth is incomplete and temporary ,

But everlasting fulfillment of desire and achieving accomplishing whatever desired is very natural to HANUAMAN when everyone was down fighting ,struggling with life desirous of medicine , no amount of wealth could come to the rescue ,neither for rakshasas nor the vanaras . though LANKA was full of grains and gold , the situation demanded a wealth of different kind , . and even if knowledge of this wealth existed , it was not accessible . BUT  HANUMAN could access sanjeevani and give life to many , a life to enjoy wealth .  He is the one who brought the wealth of the golden ring[ wealth of Hari samarpana gyana ] to seeta [the jeeva ] . a welathy only  can give wealth , and such a wealth like ring of SHRIRAMA can be given only by NITYA SHRIMANTA HANUMANTA !


krishnaarpanamastu .

Stree dharma–Duties of women !



Every married woman wishes that her husband be always under her spell ! To fulfill this desire of theirs ,women seek many tricks and tips and try various ways !  To make women understand the the veracity of such attempts Mahalaxmi resorts to a question to Draupadi !

Once while in Pandavas were in  vanavasa , Srikrishna along with Satyabhama [ avatara of Srimahalaxmi ] visited them ! Satyabhama while sitting near Draupadi , asks her

“Draupadi  you have five husbands ! You are a pativrata of highest degree , Even Lord vedvyasa has declared it in full sabha of Dhritarashtra [ Hastinapur ] ! now there is no doubt on this topic ! Your husbands are very powerful ,they can be compared  in valour with LOKPALAKAs . Your husbands always stay together as joint family . They never think of even separating . To maintain such a family is impossible . But you seem to be at very ease in maintaining them . This is very surprising to all the people in the world . Its difficult to get along well with one husband itself , patiently getting along well with five is a great feat ,how do you manage this ? There is not a single instance of Pandavas having angered on your behaviour or getting upset with you . They never go against your word either ! They have no complaints about you at all ! Not a single reason for dissatisfaction among them ! Their faces are testimony to all these. What is the reason for this extreme cooperation among them towards you ? Do not hide anything ! Let me know everything ! Let me the real secret ! I too want to apply the concept on Srikrishna  and keep him under my Control ! Such mighty Pandavas are under your sway for this you must have used some trick ? What could be this trick ? is it MANTRA ? or is it a MEDICINE  ,a CONCOCTION  ? or is it some VRATA ? or is it due to special bath in some river or pilgrimage ? or is it any special VIDYAA ?  What is that trick that has enabled you to enslave your husbands ? LET ME KNOW ? “

Draupadi replies “ Oh MOTHER ! You are ALL KNOWING ! DOUBTS , QUERIES do not emanate for the fully knowledgeable person ! YET your query is not for the clearance of doubt , many satvik people have these doubts and you want them to be clarified through me and hence you have asked this question ! AND thus it is my duty to answer this ! FIRST OF ALL THE QUESTION IS NOT CORRECT ? IT IS EVIL TO DESIRE TO KEEP THE HUSBAND UNDER CONTROL OR UNDER OUR SWAY OR ENSLAVED !  Applying tricks to achieve these is still more evil ! To think this way and women thinking as such are evil personified ! To answer such women is itself a sin ! satvik women under the influence of evil women should never apply such measures !

The moment any male gets a feeling that his wife is applying certain measures to keep him under control via mantra medicine etc. ,that very moment fear enters his  mind . He gets a feeling that he is in fact living with a poisonous snake in the form of his wife everyday in his house . He fears even to enter the house !  One who is ever gripped with fear , how can he be peaceful ! Peace is not possible for him even in dreams ! One who is not peaceful how can he ever be happy ?

Many feel that pleasure objects , sense objects and material prosperity are the fundamentals of happy life . This is fallacy .  Those who are materially prosperous even they are not happy , this is widely experienced in this world ! Even if materially not prosperous, still there are people happily living the life , even this is seen in this world through experience !Thus I feel that peace is most important and fundamental to the happiness and joy in this world . If husband is not at peace then how can wife live peacefully ! That peace will be a mirage ! SO any women who wishes to be happy and peaceful will never think of enslaving their husbands or apply measures and  tricks to keep them under control ! And just by mantra husband cannot be under control , its not possible forever !

I will tell you my own day-to-day lifestyle , this can be taken as sadachaar ! Sadhvis must tread the way that enhances saumangalya ! I will humbly  present  before you  [ rather recite what I know like  a good student before a teacher , as MAHALAXMI is all knowing] the methods that are fundamental to soubhagya !

What is not desired by the husband I never desire them at all . My husband cannot be without me , this feeling I never harbour . I do not have pride on account of my high birth , my beauty my lustre , my youth or my wealth . Pandavas have other wives also other than me . I look at all of them with respect . I do not think of other men nor do i look at them . I eat after Pandavas have eaten , I take bath after the have taken their bath . I sleep after Pandavas have gone to sleep and also after all the servants have completed their work and meals .

When my husband returns after a tour ,forest or their work , I welcome them with smile and a happy fame of mind . And knowing their tiredness , i arrange for water to wash their feet, arrange beds and chair and other furnishings to relieve their travel fatigue .

I use the appropriate vessels for appropriate work ! I sincerely lookafter their cleanliness. I cook varieties of food items in interesting manner and feed my husband and other dependents at appropriate times . I keep tab on the grains and stock in an updated manner . I see to it they do not get wasted or spilled everywhere . Time to time keep the household clean and sanitised . I never speak to anyone in a demeaning manner . I see to it that my words never hurt my husband . I do not resent anyone with words and deeds . I do not entertain or associate with evil women at all . For dharma and its application association of evil women is detrimental . I never show laziness with respect to dharma and my duties towards my husband .

I do not laugh without reason . I do not stand at doorstep at every second . I will never stay alone in uninhabited place . Will not wander alone inside as well as outside in gardens . Do not speak much . Always wear a happy look . Do not disturb others in their work . never laugh at workers , nor speak with extreme even if there is a fault . I would never make others angry too . My speech brings good to satvikas and my husbands service is my worship . Without husband even a second is waste for me .

When husband leaves the house and town for some work , i do not use flowers and perfumes and articles of decoration . I keep various vrata and niyam during such periods . Even if I like certain things I would never go for it if it doesnt suit my husband’s taste . I forego such food and clothing voluntarily .

I sincerely follow all that is told to me by my husband for my own good . I decorate myself  for the happiness of husband and accompany them in their hobbies and works that are of interest to them . I take part in their ventures .

I listen to my mother in law and her sermons with utmost sincerety and bring them into action as per her directions . I follow utmost care and sincerety during bhiksha bali and shraddha and other preparations of santarpana. I stay in front to welcome the respected and elders . And whatever dharma I know ,I follow it with niyam . And during such attempt and practise I forget even day and night in carrying out my duties .

I strongly believe that wife should be under the shelter of husband and to she shoudl carryout it with full enthusiasm .Husband is  a devata and husband is the wealth for women , so for such loving husband which women would not spend a lifetime .

No women should try to surpass husband . This is detrimental to her siddhi . so in clothing etc i do not wish to surpass husband . I do not talk ill of mother in law . I keep utmost care in this issue . I never behave in a uninhibited manner before elders and always take note of their words . Looking at these qualities my husband always like to listen to me . I need not go for any special tricks to keep them under sway and control .

My mother in law is a qualified lady . qualified with many good qualities and auspicious too . Just by the fact that she has given birth to such valorous sons good with many auspicious qualities is pointer to her soubhagya  and greatness . Kuntidevi is steadfast in TRUTH . This fact is ever present before my eyes . I do her service personally , under no circumstance do I delegate my duties with respect to her to anyone . Her food , dinner ,medicines , service  everything i personally do it . I beget extreme satisfaction by doing this all through the day . My mother in law PUTHADEVI is equal to PRITHVI herself when it comes to patience .

In my Husband’s house first everyday 8000 Bramhins eat in golden plates . Then 80000 graduate students [ bramhins ] and then 80000 gramhasthas have their food happily . Apart from this Yudhisthir has 100000 personal assistants . each has 30+30 dasis  . All these peoples welfare and food and other responsibilities Yudhisthir has given it to me ., part from this 10000 yati[ sanyasis ] also eat daily in our household .

After the vaishvadeva of all these bramhins, Then family members eat . This default sequence is never missed and I look after these arrangements everyday . These bhojan [ food distribution ] happens with all gait ,pomp and respect . I personally give all of these bramhins , ahaar, tambul ,vastra and dakshina  everyday with devotion and respect to the satisfaction of each .

There are special dasis for Dharmaraj , they are one LAKH in  number , they wear thick gloden necklaces around necks and in their arms .Some are completely bejewelled and readily available for service to help in managing . Another One LAKH paricharikas specialised in songs and dance and music . I know each of these skilled and unskilled labours’ names , interests , hobbies , their likes and dislikes with respect to food habits and clothing .I see to it they get those food and articles of their taste and liking time to time  to their satisfaction and happiness . I supervise and monitor all the work  given to these , I schedule their works according to their abilities and manage it to the best of the situation to keep the schedule on time without lapse and delay and to perfection .

Apart from the above there are another one lakh set of dasis whose work is to serve food day and night with a plates in their hands . Another set of Lakh dasis look after the guests . This is their work . I schedule their works and employ them appropriately .

There are paricharaks inside the antahpur [ palace ] and outside , apart from them , there are gopalakas , manual labours , security guards , whom I keep watch on and pay timely salaries to them all . I keep tab on the accounts of these all through my work schedule . Apart from paying salaries and auditing , I do see that their other needs are also taken care of and fulfilled and they live a comfortable life .

While doing all these I keep special thought process on what should be done to increase the wealth fame and prosperity of  PANDAVAS . I monitor the gains and expenses [ credit and debit ] of all the PANDAVAS , and I do keep them secret as well . I also control their expenses . Pandavas also have given me all these responsibilities of the family with utmost confidence in me . They go about their daily chores without worrying about all these and carry out their duties as worship to the LORD Krishna .

I too keeping my personal comforts aside , carryout these duties as a worship towards my husband with all happiness , And do not mind about day and night in carrying it out and this is my worship to the allmighty as well .

I sleep after Pandavas sleep and I get up before PAndavas get up . i never give  a feeling of having too much work to do .Those who carry out work with Love they never complain about the work .

This is the secret for keeping my husband under control , apart from these I donot think anyother methods or indulge in tricks . Rather I do not require any other tricks , What evil women resort to , I do not approve them and there is no happiness in that .

OH jagan MATE ! I know only this much and What I do is only This ! You know all these ! yet I have told all these only to carry out your order ! That was my duty ! “

Draupadi resumed her calm after this !

LAxmidevi SATYABHAMA became very happy with her answer and and Embraced her with all the blessings .

THese words of DRAUPADI DEVI are eternal and apply to all satvika stree . By treading this path of Draupadi devi MAHALAXMI’s blessings will be definitely there is what this story suggests .

Krishnarpanamastu .

Note : this story indicates clarifies many things about our culture and position of women in our society . It is a big fallacy that women were not educated . women had utmost education , they were educated to be good managers. MANAGEMENT of time , management of resources , management of workforce , management of money , management of material , auditing . supervision , scheduling , multitasking , training of staff , decoration , art of managing events on a day to day basis . if everyday affair was so celebrating , then celebration would have been more innovative .

Apart from doing all these giving personal attention to family members , it is no doubt every girl was trained to be  a superwoman !

तामस मंत्र कोष:॥ { मोह शास्त्र }!

नास्ति नारायण समो देवो न भूतो न भविष्यति । ऐतेन सत्यवाक्येन सर्वाऽर्थान साध्याम्यहम् ॥

रावण उवाच ।

Ravan asked Rudra sitting on Mount Kailash , ” kindly enlighten me about the science that gives instant results ”

Rudra said” I shall explain you tantra which can move the oceans and mountains .Those who do not master tantra, what use is their anger ? ”

A man without GURU is akin to a  night without moon ,day without sun , kingdom without King !

Without guru upadesha no mantra in tantrashastra will be fruitful .One does not have right to practise without gururpadesha .

Shatkarma is very important aspect in this shastra . Resorting to it will give all sot f success !

  1. Shantikarma
  2. vashikaran
  3. stambhan
  4. vidweshan
  5. uchchatan
  6. Maran
  • The act with which one can subside diseases , abhichara , and planetary ill effects is known as shantikarma !
  • One by which people can be controlled is known as vashikaran
  • One by which the motion and direction of the person [ and his mind ] can be stopped is known as stambhan
  • Creating enemity between  friendly persons is known as vidweshan
  • The act by which one is forced to leave his own place is known as uchchatan
  • the one which life is destroyed is known as maran !

Every such act will be successful only if ishta devta ishta kaal and ishta disha is known and obliged .

  • Rati is deity incharge of shantikarma
  • Vani for vashikaran
  • rama for stambhan
  • jyeshtha for vidweshan
  • durga for uchchatan
  • Kali for maran

first these have to be worshipped and then proceeded for the shatkarma .

  • NE for shantikarma
  • N for vashikaran
  • E for stambhan
  • SW vidweshan
  • NW for uchchatan
  • SE for maran
  • hemanth for shanti
  • vasant for vashikaran
  • shishir for stambhan
  • greeshma vidweshan
  • varsha for uchchatan
  • and sharad for maran

Maran with neemoil by doing abhichara with the fire / ash or lamp from the house of enemy [ with sankalpa of enam maray ] and hawan and after hawan [kunda sameepe krutyamaaradhye kantakam chantike ] order the krutyaa to eat the flesh of enemy ! [ japa shud be with the beads made of teeth of human not dead in war and beaded in human nerves  , beads shud be 15 in number , japa shud be with angushtha and anamika sitting in south , homa with nails or hair  of enemy with sheep milk mixed with human bones and flesh and cotton seed in mustard oil will kill enemy  ]

protect the agni for nine days with japa in the night and on tenth day enemy dies !


  • ॐ शान्ते शान्ते सर्वारिष्टनाशिनिस्वाहा
  • this gives jwara shanti
  • ॐ संसांसिंसींसुंसूंसेंसैंसोंसौंसंसः वंवांविंवींवुंवूंवेंवैंवोंवौंवंवः हंसः अमृतवर्चसे स्वाहा
  • this gives abhichaar shanti
  • आपत्त शान्ति  ,भूत प्रेत पिशाच राक्षस नर व्याघ्र सिंह रीछ श्रृगाल नाग गज अश्व पीडा शान्ति
  • ॐ हंहांहिंहींहुंहूंहेंहैंहोंहौंहंहः क्षंक्षांक्षिंक्षींंक्षुंक्षूंक्षेंक्षैंक्षोंक्षौंक्षंक्षः हंसः हम्
  • क्रोध शान्ति
  • ॐ शान्ते शान्ते प्रशान्ते सर्वक्रोधोपशमनि स्वाहा
  • 21 time face wash with above mantra to get rid of anger of deities or men !



ॐ नमो भगवते उड्ड्ामरेश्वराय मोहय मोहय मिलि मिलि ठः ठः

make a small balls of priyangu ,tagar ,koshtha ,chandana nagakeshar and krishn dhatura [ bark flowers seeds leaves and fruits powder ]  in equal portions each , mix it with food of the one to be controlled or attracted . [ seven times write the name in the mixture ]

30000 japa will give vashikaran[ single commited mind is necessary ]

2> on a pushya nakshatra the roots of punarnava when energised with following mantra will give vashikaran if win on arms .

ॐ नमः सर्वलोकवशंकराय कुरु कुरु स्वाहा

similarly leaves of bilva and matulungu in sheeps milk when ground with mantra chant and applied on forehead will give vashikaran .

3> RAAJvashikaran

kumkum chandan gorochan karpur in cows’ milk if made into a tilak with following mantra will bring even kings under control

ॐ ह्रीं सः [ नाम अमुकं ] मे वशमानय स्वाहा


the following  mantra will make a woman become a kinkari to the man .

bramhadandi and corpse ash with following mantra when put on the girl she will swoon on to the person .

ॐ नमः कामाख्यादेवि [अमुकी नाम ] मे वशमानय स्वाहा

black lotus , bee feathers , tagar root , white kakjangha powder when sprinkled onto the woman , she gets attracted to the person .

ocean salt honey and saliva of pigeon if applied on private parts and copulated the woman will ever be enslaved by the charms of man .


gorochan ,fish fat , or peacock feather ,honey , and ghee when mixed and applied onto the coitus ,husband and wife experience  orgasm and husband will never leave the wife .

kulathi, bilva ,gorochan and manahshila when marinated in oil in copper vessel and this oil if applied on the yoni and if copulated with husband , husband will become a slave will never go for other woman .



ॐ नमो दिगंबराय [अमुकासन ] स्तम्भनं कुरु स्वाहा

put soil in the skull along with white ghunghuchi seeds and sow it . everyday pour milk and when they sprout , wherever the roots are thrown there asan will be still .


ॐ नमो अग्निरूपाय मम शरिरे स्तम्भनम कुरु कुरु स्वाहा

ghee and sugar should be drunk and then dry ginger chewed will not burn mouth .

fat of frog with the liquid of kaumari juice when applied on body fire is stalled ,


ॐ अहो कुम्भकर्ण महाराक्षस कैकसीगर्भसंभूत परसैन्यस्तम्भन महाभगवान् रुद्रोपर्यति स्वाहा

kharjur in the mouth , ketaki in the waist and aak in the shoulder will stall weapons .

bel leaves tender when brought on sunday if the paste is apllied on the body no weapons trouble .


ॐ नमः कालरात्रि त्रिशूलधारिणि मम शत्रुसैन्यस्तम्भनम कुरु कुरु स्वाहा


ॐ नमो भयञ्कराय खड्गधारिणे  मम शत्रुसैन्यपलायनं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा

if the name of the enemy is written on bhurjpatra and the yantra is tied to a owl and left , as this bird reaches the army the army runs away .

ॐनमो भगवते रुद्राय जलंस्तम्भय स्तम्भय ठः ठः ठः

padmak when energise with mantra and mixed with water it stops the overflow .

ॐनमो भगवते रुद्राय मेघं स्तम्भय स्तम्भय ठः ठः ठः

the fire of burning corpse if got onto the burning brick and buried in the forest stops rains .

ॐनमो भगवते रुद्राय नौकां स्तम्भय स्तम्भय ठः ठः ठः

any milky weed when put on a boat on the bharani star will stall the boat .

ॐनमो भगवते रुद्राय [अमुकं ]स्तम्भय स्तम्भय ठः ठः ठः

a cloth wet with mensturating women dipped in gorochan and with the name of enemy written on it will stall the enemy

ॐनमो भगवते रुद्राय निद्रां स्तम्भय स्तम्भय ठः ठः ठः

the powder of bruhati and mulethi when inhaled will stall sleep

ॐनमो भगवते रुद्राय गो महिष्यादीन् स्तम्भय स्तम्भय ठः ठः ठः

bones of camel if buried around the stable will stall animals

ॐनमो भगवते रुद्राय [अमुकं पशुं ]स्तम्भय स्तम्भय ठः ठः ठः

any animal will stop when  a  camel hair is dropped before it .


ॐ ह्रीं कालि कपालिनि घोरनादिनि विश्वं विमोहय जगन्मोहय सर्वं मोहय मोहय ठः ठः ठः स्वाहा

white gunja with brmahdandi when juice is extracted and applied onto body will attract one and all .

tulasi with bhang seeds and ashvagandha when pasted with milk[cow] this mixture if taken daily will make one very attractive to crowds .

shwethkarmool root and sindur with juice of banana flowers if applied on forehead will make one popular among masses .

the tilak of bilva powder in cows milk will also give fame .


ॐ नमो नारायणाय [अमुकस्य अमुकेन ] सह विद्वेषं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा

elephant hair and lion hair tie it to the idols of the two people as hair and then bury it in the soil . on it establish a homa kunda and in the agni give homa of malati pushpa , both the people will start hating each other .

take the teeth of elephant and lion and  grind it on a stone with butter and then apply it to the two people ‘s forehead , both will hate each other forever .


ॐ नमो भगवते रुद्राय दंष्ट्राकरालाय अमुकं स्वपुत्रबांधवैः सह हन हन दह दह पच पच शीघ्रमुच्चाटय हुंफट् स्वाहा ठः ठः

Apply bramhadandi and ash to a shivalinga and in the evening of saturday remove the paste and put it onto the doors of the enemy , enemy will leave the place in no time .

ॐ नमः आदिपुरुषाय [अमुकस्य ] आकर्षणम् कुरु कुरु स्वाहा

write the above mantra in blood from the little finger on a bhojpatra , dip the patra in a bottle of honey . the loved one who has left you away for different foreign land will come running back to you .


one must never do maran in life only when hit with life and death situation one should resort to maranam .

maranam when applied wrongly kills self .

the following mantras when done with rituals will kill the enemy in no time .

the below mantra when written on bhurjpatra with gorchan and kesari on tuesday or saturday and worn as yantra will kill enemy

ॐ चाण्डालिनि कामाख्यावासिनि वनदुर्गे क्लीं क्लीं ठः स्वाहा

sarvakaal mantra if it has been achieved siddhi . then following procedure will give death to the opponent .

ॐ नमः सर्वकालसंहारय अमुकं हन हन क्रीं हुं फट भस्मीकुरु स्वाहा

get the soil below the footprints [ both legs]  of the enemy . mix it with ash of the corpse .and pour the blood of middle finger into it , make a small doll . cover the doll with a black cloth and black thread and place it on  a grass bed in a sleeping position . lit  a lamp . get japa done till siddhi . pour the bengal gram dal into the mouth of the doll at midnight . then in the early morning get the last rites done for doll in the cemetry . most powerful enemy will also be laid to rest .

ARDRAPATI vidya by durvasa muni if practised for a month will sent enemy to abode of yama ,

ॐ नमो भगवते आर्द्रपटेश्वरि ……………………एहि एहि …………. हुं फट ………शत्रून ……………पिब पिब ……….हुं फट ……………

all as previously create a doll and give bali of a sheep . with the sheep blod soak the doll . by the time blood dries enemy would have left the mortal remains .

Aghor mantra will put the life back into the dead .

ॐ अघोरे ………………..रुद्रेभय

ॐ रामायै रामाय ………………………………..शोषय …………….देहि स्वाहा

KAli mantra with give one capability to disappear

ॐ हुंफट कालि कालि …………………………हुंफट स्वाहा


Ravan says what are different doshas in a mantra oh lord ,

There are many dosha in a mantra , [ like chinna hina parngmukh , badhir , hatveerya ,heena shakti , chyut , keelith etc ] these doshas have to be removed before doing japa of the same .Doshas can be removed by keeping the mantra in mooladhara and raising each letter towards bramhrandra with puraka and kumbhaka , alternatively matruka samputikaran will give dosha nivrutti .

Ravan asks what if mantra does not get siddhi even after jap . Rudra says then seven techniques must be applied to the mantra ,.

these are

  1. bhraman
  2. rodhan
  3. vashikaran of mantra
  4. peedhan
  5. soshan
  6. poshan
  7. dahan

each kriya is done with a beeja mantra like vayu beeja sarswati beeja agni beeja ,kamabeeja , mayabeejam , lajja beejam ,varun beejam etc

any mantra begining and ending with maya kaam and lajja beja will give siddhi .

keelan mantras if not unlocked will not give siddhi even if one crore japa is completed . Utkeelan , uddepan and and samputikarana gives siddhi .

Ravan what is symptoms of siddhi .

Rudra says , the fulfillment of desire is first sign of siddhi .increase in longevity is second sign . devata darshan is thrid sign .

mantras when resorted to tapasya will give devata darshanam .

Such a siddhi will make one move in unknown lands . Can listen to secret talks of devatas and other celstial beings .

some smaller siddhis have following characteristics ,

  • a sweet smelling body
  • fame in all directions
  • many vehicles
  • many jeweleries accessories
  • long life
  • rewards from kings
  • royal service
  • Man becomes a wonderman for others and keeps exhibiting magical personality and lives a happy life
  • people experience gain of fortune and relief from misery just by seeing him and visiting him
  • he will know all the shastras
  • will master four types of advisory skills
  • will become desireless
  • immersed in devotion
  • he can at will engage in attracting many people and at will be able to get disengaged
  • he will be able to involve with others deeply and at the same time come out of  the involvement with ease .
  • he will have ease of yoga
  • completely unattached to senses
  • compassionate with all the people
  • patient
  • lineant
  • All knowing

All these qualities are known to be had by having madhyam [ medium level siddhi ] siddhi .

uttam siddhi will lead to qualities of levitation , entering others bodies , entering palaces and forts without obstructions . moving thru fire water with ease  etc .

Finally Man aspires to be at the lotus feet of LORD .











Surya Upasana !


। जपाकुसुम संकाशं काश्यपेयं महाद्युतीम्  तमोघ्नं सर्वपापघ्नं प्रणतोऽस्मि दिवाकरम् ।

Suryanarayana The SUN is the visible form of VISHNU for all the devotees . It is an excellent pratima for upasana for quick siddhi and Moksha . It is a Nitya upasana for all the BRAMHINS , the GAyatri Upasana is towards Suryanarayana . Vishnu present in SURYA devata is the most quick to give results and ever protecting . Acharya Srimadanandateertha when confronted with the muslim King proclaimed ” We are the followers of Great God who is ever present in SUN and worship HIM “, Hence its not surprising if there is entire upanishad dedicated to Surya UPASANA . Those who aspire for physical ,material and spiritual success  must pray LORD SURYANARAYANA .

  • Suryopasana with daily arghya to Suryanarayana helps maintain dwijatva .
  • All sankalpa at Suryodaya accomapanied with Suryopasana will  be successfull .
  • Upanishads declare SUN as the centre of UNIVERSE .
  • Devatas attain aparoksha though Suryopasana .
  • It is Graha RAJa ,, King of planets . Praying SUN will give excellent planetary effects and ill effects will get minimized .
  • The chakshopanishad gives Surya mantra to ward away eye problems like cataract  ,short /long sight , to get rid of spectacles , blindness etc .
  • Suryopanishad gives SuryaUpasana to get excellent health .
  • Suryopasana gives win over enemies [aditya hrudaya of Agstya Muni incidental not instrumental in Killing RAVANA by LORD SRIRAM ]
  • SURYOPASANA GIVES EXCELLENT EDUCATION and excellence in vyakarana shastra [ Hanumanji did his schooling under Surya narayana with Suryopasana ]
  • Suryaupasana relieves one of skin diseases ,heart diseases , strengthens bones and  increases Longevity .[ Samba ,son of Srikrishna and Jambavati   ,when tired of his incurable skin disease tried to take permission from Srikrishna to suicide , Srikrishna advised him to do Suryopasana , Samba was relieved off skin disease regained his beauty and Longevtity ]
  • Surya Upasana gives excellent wealth . [ Raja Satrajit got syamantak mani through Surya Upasana  ,which would give him 8000 kg of gold  every day ]
  • In yogashastra Dharana /samayama on Surya gives knowledge of entire creation .
  • Exercising early morning with Surynamaskaar with twelve surya mantras give extreme physical strength and excellent wrestling capacity .
  • Varahamihira Bhatt  amassed excellency in Jyotishshastra through Suryaradhana for a one complete year .
  • Suryopasana gives excellence in medical field ,it gives aushadhsiddhi [ Chyavan rishi got his Ayurved siddhi through Suryopasana ]
  • Suryopasana gives excellent proficiency in Architechture science shilpavidya [ Maya became a great architect by Suryopasana ]
  • Suryopasana gives Rajayoga .[It gives political power and  it gives easy success in exams For high Govt Posts ie IAS IPS IES IRS etc ] All  FAVOURS FROM GOVT  can be had through Suryopasana .

SO Suryaupasana is a way of life for all vedic followers . How this Suryopasana can be done ?

Fast on every Sunday without taking salt , oil , vegetables , alcohol , nonveg , honey , and no cohabitation with females . Get up early morning before sunrise and pray SuryaNARAYANA with following prayers .

Surya dwadashnaam stotram

आदित्यम प्रथमं नाम द्वितीयं तु दिवाकरं । तृतीयं भास्करं प्रोक्तं चतुर्थंम् तु प्रभाकरं ॥

पंचमम् हरिदश्वं च षष्टं त्रैलोक्यलोचनम । सप्तमम तु सहस्रांशुमष्टमं तु विभाकरम ॥

नवमम स्याद्दिनकरं दशमम् द्वादशात्मकं । एकादशम् त्रिवेदात्म द्वादशं सूर्यमेवच ॥

द्वादशैतानिनामानि प्रात:काले सदा पठेत् । कुष्ठादिहृद्रोगो दारिद्र्यं नैव जायते ॥

॥ इति ब्रह्मांडपुराणे सूर्यद्वादशनामस्तोत्रं संपूर्णंम ॥


॥ सूर्यकवच स्तोत्रं ॥

याज्ञवल्क्य उवाच ॥

शृणुष्व मुनिशार्दूल सूर्यस्य कवचं शुभं ।शरीरारोग्यदं दिव्यंसर्वसौभाग्यदायकम् ॥

देदीप्यमानमुकुटम् स्फुरन्मकरकुण्डलम् ।ध्यात्वासहस्रकिरणं सतोत्रमेतदुदीरयेत ॥

शिरो मे भास्कर: पातु  ललाटम् मेऽमितद्युति: । नेत्रे दिनमणि: पातु श्रवणे वासरेश्वर: ॥

घ्राणं घर्मघृणि: पातु वदनम् वेदवाहन: । जिव्हां मे मानद: पातु कण्ठं मे सुरवंदित: ॥

स्कंधौ प्रभाकर: पातु वक्ष: पातु जनप्रिय: । पातु पादौ द्वादशात्मा सर्वांगं सकलेश्वर: ॥

सूर्यरक्षात्मकंस्तोत्रम लिखित्वाभुर्जपत्रके । ददाति य: करे तस्य वशगा:सर्वसिद्धय: ॥

सुस्नातो यो जपेत सम्यगोऽधीते स्वस्थमानस: । स रोगमुक्तोदीर्घायु: सुखं पुष्टिंच विंदति ॥

॥इति याज्ञवल्क्य विरचितम सुर्यकवचसतोत्रं संपूर्णंम ॥


।सूर्याष्टकं ।

सांब उवाच ।

आदिदेव नमस्तुभ्यं प्रसीद ममभास्कर । दिवाकर नमस्तुभ्यं प्रभाकर नमोऽस्तु ते ॥

सप्ताऽश्वरथमारूढं प्रचंडं कश्यपात्मजं । श्वेतपद्मधरं देवं तं सूर्यंम् प्रणमाम्यहम ॥

लोहितं रथमारूढं सर्वलोकपितामहं । महापापहरं देवं तं सूर्यम् प्रणमाम्यहम  ॥

त्रैगुण्यं च महाशूरं ब्रह्मविष्णुमहेश्वरं । महापापहरं देवं तं सूर्यंम् प्रणमाम्यहम ॥

बृंहितम् तेज:पुंजं च वायुमाकाशमेव च । प्रभुं च सर्वलोकानाम् तं सूर्यंम् प्रणमाम्यहम ॥

बंधूकपुष्पसंकाशं हारकुण्डल भूषितं । एकचक्रधरं देवं तं सूर्यंम् प्रणमाम्यहम ॥

तं सूर्यम् जगत्कर्तारं महातेजप्रदीपनं । महापापहरं देवं तं सूर्यंम् प्रणमाम्यहम ॥

तं सूर्यम् जगतां नाथं ज्ञानविज्ञानमोक्षदं ।महापापहरं देवं तं सूर्यंम् प्रणमाम्यहम ॥

सुर्याष्टकं पठेन्नित्यं गृहपीडा प्रणाशनम् । अपुत्रो लभते पुत्रं दरिद्रो धनवन भवेत ॥

आमिषं मधुपानं य: करोति रवेर्दिने । सप्तजन्म भवेद्रोगी प्रतिजन्म दरिद्रता ॥

स्त्रीतैलमधुमांसानि यस्त्यजेत्तु रवेर्दिने । न व्याधी: शोकदारिद्र्यं सूर्यलोकं स गच्छति ॥

।इति सुर्याष्टकं संपूर्णं ।




Adityam prathamam nAm  dwitIyam tu diwakaram | tritIyam Bhaskaram proktam chaturtham tu prabhAkaram ||

panchamam hardashvam ch shashTam trilokyalochanam | saptamam tu shasranshumashTamam tu vibhakaram ||

navamam syaddinkaram dashamam dwashatmakam | ekadasham trivedAtmA dwadasham sUryamev ch ||

dwadashaitaninamAni prAtahkAle sada paThet  tasya kuShThAdi hrudrogo dAridryam naiv jayate ||

|| iti sribramhaNdpurane sUryadwadashNaam stotram sampUrNam ||

Japa Pooja Homa ![ Tantrasara View ]

One who is worshipped by Bramha Rudra and Indra ,one who has infinite happiness and strength and knowledge and who is husband to Laxmi Lord Narayana is Supreme [ sarvottama] .

One who has tender lotus like feet resting on the thighs of Ramadevi , one who is lotus eyed ,Such Vishnu created chaturmukh Bramha and in answer to his first question preached Tantra sara as the first shastra .

Tanu is a dhatu [ in sanskrit ] describing what is  elaborate[ extensive] in nature .[ vistara ] . the shastra that is extensive is known as Tantra . One that gives knowledge of tatva mantras [ tatva mantra samanvitaan ] and protects [ tranam ch kurute ]  yasmat tantramityaabhidhiyate [ from the fear of sansaar ] is known as tantra .

Tantra sara is Vishnodita preached by Vishnu [ this shastra is no longer available in the mortal world . But Acharya Srimadananda teertha has collected the best out of this grantha and given us Tantrasara Sangraha .

Tantra shastra is also known as Agam . there are Shakta Shaiva and Vaishnav Agama . Acharya has only collected satvik Vaishnav  agam for the upliftment of Satvikas .

The first word that LOrd NArayana uttered in this creation is ” OM ” . It is known as Pranav .

It has eight aksharas each representing eight forms of Lord Vishnu namely Vishwa Taijas Prajnya Turiya Atma Antaratma Gnyanatma , Paramatma [ akar ukar  mkar naad bindu kala shant atishant ]

Narayanashtakshar mantra is born out of eight akshara of OM .

Three times avrutti of Ashtakashara gies rise to GAyatri .

Ashtamahamantras are

  1. Pranav
  2. Vyahruti
  3. Vishnushadakshar
  4. Naryana Ashtakshar
  5. Vasudev Dwadashakshar
  6. Bramha Gayatri
  7. Mtruka mantra
  8. Purushsukta

These are ashta mahamantras .

Amantrak kriya kvapi naivaarchadeeshu vidyate !

there is cannot be any pooja without the mantra .

manan sarva satvanam tranam sasaar sagaraat , manan tran sanyogat mantra ityuchchyate budhai:

mantra is the one which is used for manan to get moksha . it is a uttam sadhana . it is a best available passtime activity for those who have achieved aparoksha .

Brahma gayatri different from Vishwamitra gayatri that is used in Sandhyavandan .

Mantra should be always chanted with shuchi . It should be accompanied by Pranayama , angnyasa karanayasa .

Devalaya , naditeere ,parvat , samudra teer , forest , teerthkshetra , vatvruksha , ashwath tree , give quick siddhi in mantra . or one must have  a kutir [ hut] in a clean sacred place .

one must be seated on kusha , krishnajin , one must always have  a ring in the finger seated in a quiet place .

Of all karmas japa is the most beneficial . A upadesha from satvik guru , Faith that this mantra will give results and complete concentration and sincerity in japa karya is the only means for siddhi .

without gurupadesha , without gurudakhina /dana even a crore japa will not give siddhi .

Any mantra if it has to be chanted ,priori chant of matruka nyasa is a must . this gives vishesha siddhi . these are of three types

1 Acharya says , the nyasa should accompany devta naam like Om Am Ajaya Namha

2. Shruti says .’Om Am Om” this is enough

3. Smriti pancharatra agama advises to carry nyasa as ” Om Am Nama: ”

THough varnas are fifty , and nyasa has to be in saptadhatu , tvak charma mansa ,rakta , medhas , majja asthi  . There is fifty first Kshkara which has to used as nyasa in jeevatma .

rechak apuurak an khumbak should be the krama for pranayama , mantra should be used for pranayama else only pranava matra can be used , Those who are capable should do kumbahk of 36 matras .

When there is change in the vayu in ten nadis , one get inclined to sins and diseases , thus pranyama with kumbhak , cleanses the nadi and inspires to get into satkarma .

Before japa papapurushvisarjana must be carried out with the help of vayu , agni and varun beejaksharas .


Kalash must be prepared for the abhisheka of Lord Narayana as a part of Devatapooja .

Kalash must have the presence of following devatas ie these must be invited [ avahan ] .

  1. Matruka rupa from A kara to Kshakara [ ajadi narsimha rupa ] 51
  2. Keshavadi 24 rupas
  3. Atmadi 4 rupas
  4. Vasudevadi 4 rupas
  5. Vishvadi 4 rupas
  6. matsya kurma till kalki ten rupas
  7. Vyasa dattatreya Shimshumar 3 rupas

Total 100 rupas of Lord  forms a kalash . Alongwith this moolrupa should be invited with ashtamahamantraas .dhoop deepa naivedya must be given to kalash devata .

previously installed kalash water should be used for Abhisheka of the Idol and prior to that 1000 ashtakshar japa [ not less than 1000 ] should be done with avahan mudra over Pratima .

After the snana , aksharnyasa and tatava nyasa must be done in the pratima . this brings vishesha sannidhi to the pratima .

Such a kalashabhisheka brings increase in kirti , ayushya , buddhi , dharna shakti , kanti , aishwarya and also yogyata manifests [ ones actual potential comes out  ] it reduces sins and increases the punya .

Homa :

To calm down adhidaivik ,adhibhotik adhyatmik utpat [ shanti ] apamrutyu parihar , ayushyavriddhi , aishwarya prapti , punyavridhdhi , manifestation of yogyata , mantrasiddhi and vishnu preeti , one must carry out homa of 1000 , 10000 , 100000, 1000000 ahutis in sanskrutagni [with peeth avaran pooja of Lord Parshurama in the agni  ]  .

famine tornado , tsunami etc are adhidaivik , fever , plague outbreak are adhibhoutik , bad dreams etc are adhyatmik . These should be accomapnied by ashtamahamantra homa .

Homa should also be done to remove obstacles that come in good satvik karma , to get desires fulfilled or they should also be performed to increase the potency of the mantra . [ mantra samarthya vriddhi ]

Homa kunda should be squarish , it should have three steps , each should be two three or four angul wide , it should be twelve angul height and twelve angul wide , it should als be twelve angul deep inside the earth .m

12 , 24 ,36 angul should be pramana for ayut homa and laksh homa ,

for koti homa it should be 8 hasta . if homa is done in anything lesser place no fruits can be obtained ,.

In the third step one must construct a yoni of the form of leaf of ashvattha vruksh .

It should slide downwards into the kunda by two angul .it should be twleve angul in length .

In this homa kunda , one must do dhyana of RAMA NARAYANA sporting with each other  and AGNI as the veerya [ semen ] of VISHNU . with Pranava agni should established [ pratishtha ] and with vyahruti shodash sanskaara [ garbhadanadi ] must be carried out .Garbhadanam karshyami with this anusandhana one must do pushpaarchana of VASUDEV etc chaturmurti ] with vyahruti mantra and give ajyahuti with vyahruti only . then anusandhan should be garbhadanam krutam swamin . and one must do prarthana ,Similarly 16 other sanskaras must be carried out .

For the preeti of Agni and agniantargat Vishnu , shastrokta dravya homa must be done . ghee , kheer , white dravya bramhavruksha samit rice , til, madhurtraya , palash , amrutvalli homa can be done .

In the end , if acharya does homa , he must be given a dana of 100 cows for 1 lakh japa . if one himself does homa , one should give according to the capacity .

Without dana no homa japa tapa vrata niyama gives any result .

So one must give dana to ved pandits only as per capacity .

Amrutvalli should be 4 angul samit .This is excellent for shanti karma .

ghee should be one karsha for each ahuti [ 16 ml]

24 ml milk

36ml jaggery/sugar

one small cup til , half bowl kheer half mushti grains . 4 angul samit .

these constitute one ahuti

2 lakhs of japa of mahamantra with 10000 ahutis increases longevity .

til ishit charu gives strength and health .

ten thousand lotus will give richness .wealth etc . but one must only wear white and drink milk while japa .

108 ahuti of anna [ cooked rice ] will remove dearth of food

amrutvalli increases vitality removes obstacles .

all homa should be done only after devtaarchana and punhyavachan .

krishnrpanamastu .








yantra !

“Poojyascha Bhagavan nithyam chakraabjamandale.”

In course of consultation we have found that most of the readers / solution seekers have failed to procure proper yantras advised to them , .

Starting from wednesday , I am sitting in vishesha anusthana , I will be making some yantras myself , and samarpana to saligrama will be done .

These yantras will be freely distributed kindly fill the below form and let us know your postal address and type of yantra required . along with other details . the form will automatically send us a notification and yantra will be sent to your postal address .Kindly note NO FEES will be CHARGED .

NOTE : if you are pious and in a state to maintain purity wear the yantra on the body and reap good results , if not negative results is not to be ruled out . These are energised by powerful mantras . so do not wear one on the body . others can keep it pooja room and worship it with dhoop deep naivedya just they do for  idol ,. YANTRA is manifestation of LORD himself . it gives ulterior protection and fulfillment of desires .

For those wearing it for any reason if ashuchi occurs , you can give give ksheerabhishek to yantra and then dhoop offered to salgrama to the yantra to reenergise it .

HOpe this will give some solution to those troubled by diffculties beyond their capacities , and for those who cannot perform remedies themselves . Kindly allow 30 days time to properly complete the mantra japa and yantra anushthana and to reach your homes .

Let Lord give all the yantra dharis shuchi and satva to fulfill their desires .

kindly fill the form below


वैष्णव स्तोत्रमञ्जरि !!!!!

नृसिंह कवचम

नृसिंह कवचम वक्ष्येऽ प्रह्लादनोदितं पुरा । सर्वरक्षाकरं पुण्यं सर्वोपद्रवनाशनं ॥

सर्वसंपत्करं चैव स्वर्गमोक्षप्रदायकम । ध्यात्वा नृसिंहं देवेशं हेमसिंहासनस्थितं॥

विवृतास्यं त्रिनयनं शरदिंदुसमप्रभं । लक्ष्म्यालिंगितवामांगम विभूतिभिरुपाश्रितं ॥

चतुर्भुजं कोमलांगम स्वर्णकुण्डलशोभितं । ऊरोजशोभितोरस्कं रत्नकेयूरमुद्रितं ॥

तप्तकांचनसंकाशं पीतनिर्मलवासनं । इंद्रादिसुरमौलिस्थस्फुरन्माणिक्यदीप्तिभि: ॥

विराजितपदद्वंद्वं शंखचक्रादिहेतिभि:। गरुत्मता च विनयात स्तूयमानं मुदान्वितं ॥

स्वहृतकमलसंवासम कृत्वा तु कवचम पठेत

नृसिंहो मे शिर: पातु लोकरक्षात्मसंभव:।

सर्वगोऽपि स्तंभवास: फालं मे रक्षतु ध्वनन । नरसिंहो मे दृशौ पातु सोमसूर्याग्निलोचन: ॥

शृती मे पातु नरहरिर्मुनिवर्यस्तुतिप्रिय: । नासां मे सिंहनासास्तु मुखं लक्ष्मिमुखप्रिय: ॥

सर्वविद्याधिप: पातु नृसिंहो रसनां मम । वक्त्रं पात्विंदुवदन: सदा प्रह्लादवंदित:॥

नृसिंह: पातु मे कण्ठं स्कंधौ भूभरणांतकृत । दिव्यास्त्रशोभितभुजो नृसिंह: पातु मे भुजौ ॥

करौ मे देववरदो नृसिंह: पातु सर्वत: । हृदयं योगिसाध्यश्च निवासं पातु मे हरि: ॥

मध्यं पातु हिरण्याक्षवक्ष:कुक्षिविदारण: । नाभिं मे पातु नृहरि: स्वनाभिब्रह्मसंस्तुत: ॥

ब्रह्माण्डकोटय: कट्यां यस्यासौ पातु मे कटिं । गुह्यं मे पातु गुह्यानां मंत्राणां गुह्यरुपधृत ॥

ऊरु मनोभव: पातु जानुनी नररूपधृत । जंघे पातु धराभारहर्ता योऽसौ नृकेसरी ॥

सुरराज्यप्रद: पातु पादौ मे नृहरीश्वर: । सहस्रशीर्षा पुरुष: पातु मे सर्वशस्तनुं ॥

महोग्र: पूर्वत: पातु महावीराग्रजोऽग्नित:। महाविष्णुर्दक्षिणे तु महाज्वालस्तु निर्रुतौ ॥

पश्चिमे पातु सर्वेशो दिशि मे सर्वतोमुख: । नृसिंह: पातु वायव्यां  सौम्यां भूषणविग्रह: ॥

ईशान्यां पातु भद्रो मे सर्वमंगलदायक: । संसारभयद: पातु मृत्यूर्मृत्युर्नृकेसरी ॥

इदं नृसिंहकवचं प्रह्लादमुखमंडितं । भक्तिमान्य: पठेन्नित्यं सर्वपापै: प्रमुच्यते ॥

पुत्रवान धनवान लोके दीर्घायुर्उपजायते । यंयं कामयते कामं तंतं प्रप्नोत्यसंशयं॥

सर्वत्र जयवाप्नोति सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत । भुम्यंतरिक्षदिवानां ग्रहाणां विनिवारणं ॥

वृश्चिकोरगसंभूतविषापहरणं परं । ब्रह्मराक्षसयक्षाणां दूरोत्सारणकारणं ॥

भूर्जे वा तालपत्रे वा कवचं लिखितं शुभं । करमूले धृतं येन सिद्ध्येयु: कर्मसिद्धय: ॥

देवासुरमनुष्येशु स्वं स्वमेव जयं लभेत । एकसंध्यं त्रिसंध्यं वा य: पठेन्नियतो नर: ॥

सर्वमंगलमांगल्यंभुक्तिं मुक्तिं च विंदति ।

द्वात्रिंशतिसहस्राणि पाठाच्छुद्धात्मभिर्नृभि: । कवचस्यास्य मंत्रस्य मंत्रसिद्धि: प्रजायते ॥

आनेन मंत्रराजेन कृत्वा भस्माभिमंत्रणम । तिलकं बिभृयाद्यस्तु तस्य गृहभयं हरेत ॥

त्रिवारं जपमानस्तु दत्तं वार्यभिमंत्र्य च । प्राशयेद्यं नरं मंत्रं नृसिंहध्यानमाचरेत ।

तस्य रोगा: प्रणश्यंति ये च स्यु: कुक्षिसंभवा: ॥

किमत्र बहुनोक्तेन नृसिंहसदृशो भवेत । मनसा चिंतितं यस्तु स तच्चाऽप्नोत्यसंशयं ॥

गर्जंतं गर्जयंतं निजभुजपटलं स्फोटयंतं हरंतं दीप्यंतं तापयंतं दिवि भुवि दितिजं क्षेपयंतं रसंतं ।

कृंदंतं रोषयंतं दिशिदिशि सततं संभरंतं हरंतं । विक्षंतं घूर्णयंतं करनिकरशतैर्दिव्यसिंहं नमामि ॥

॥इति प्रह्लादप्रोक्तं नरसिंहकवचं संपूर्णंम ॥


॥विष्णुपंजरस्तोत्रं ॥


परं परस्मात प्रकृतेर्नादिमेकं निविष्टं बहुधा गुहायाम । सर्वालयं सर्वचराचरस्थं नमामि विष्णुं जगदेकनाथं ॥

विष्णुपंजरकं दिव्यं सर्वदुष्टनिवारणम । उग्रतेजो महावीर्यं सर्वशत्रुनिकृंतनं ॥

त्रिपुरं दहमानस्य रहस्यं ब्रह्मणोदितं । तदहं संप्रवक्ष्यामि आत्मरक्षाकरं नृणाम ॥

पादौ रक्षतु गोविंदो जंघे चैव त्रिविक्रम:। ऊरु मे केशव: पातु कटीं चैव जनार्दन: ॥

नाभिं चैवाच्युत: पातुं गुह्यम चैव तु वामन:: । उदरं पद्मनाभश्च पृष्ठं चैव तु माधव: ॥

वामपार्श्वंम तथा विष्णुर्दक्षिणं मधुसुदन: । बाहु वै वासुदेवश्च हृदि दामोदरस्तथा ॥

कण्ठं रक्षतु वाराह: कृष्णश्च मुखमण्डलं ।माधव: कर्णमूलेतु हृषिकेशश्च नासिके॥

नेत्रेनारायणो रक्षेल्ललाटं गरुडध्वज: ।कपोलौ केशवो रक्षेद्वैकुण्ठ: सर्वतोदिशं ॥

श्रीवत्सांकश्च सर्वेशामंगानाम रक्षतो भवेत । पूरवस्याम पुण्डरीकाक्ष आग्नेय्याम श्रीधरस्तथा ॥

दक्षिणे नारसिंहश्च निर्रुत्याम माधवोऽवतु ।पुरुषोत्तमे मे वारुण्याम वायव्याम च जानार्दन: ॥

गदाधरस्तु कौबेर्याम्यैशान्याम पातु केशव: । आकाशे च गदा पातु पाताले च सुदर्शनं ॥

सन्नद्ध: सर्वगात्रेषु प्रविष्टो विष्णुपंजर: । विष्णुपंजरविष्टोऽहं विचरामि महितले ॥

राजद्वारेऽपथे घोरे संग्रामे शत्रुसंकटे । नदिषु रणे चैव चोरव्याघ्रभयेषु च ॥

ढ़ाकिनीप्रेतभुतेषु भयं तस्य न जायते । रक्ष रक्ष माहादेव रक्ष रक्ष जनेश्वर ॥

रक्षंतु देवता: सर्वा ब्रह्म विष्णु महेश्वरा:। जले रक्षतु वाराह: स्थले रक्षतु वामन: ॥

आटव्याम नरसिंहश्च सर्वत: पातु केशव: ।दिवा रक्षतु माम सूर्यो रात्रौ रक्षतु चंद्रमा: ॥

पंथानाम दुर्गमं रक्षेत सर्वमेव जनार्दन: । रोगविघ्नहतश्चैव ब्रह्महागरुतल्पग: ॥

स्त्रीहत्याबालघाती च सुरापी वृषलीपति: । मुच्यते सर्वपापेभ्यो य: पठेन्नात्रसंशय: ॥

अपुत्रोलभते पुत्रं धनार्थी लभते धनं ।विद्यार्थी लबते विद्यां मोक्षार्थी लभते गतीं ॥

आपदो हरते नित्यं विष्णुस्तोत्रार्थसंपदा । यस्त्विदं पठते स्तोत्रम विष्णुपंजरमुत्तमम॥

मुच्यतेसर्वपापेभ्यो विष्णुलोकं स गच्छति। गोसहस्र फलं तस्य वाजपेयशतस्यच ॥

अश्वमेधसहस्रस्य फलं प्राप्नोति मानव:। सर्वकामं लभेदस्य पठनान्नात्र संशय:॥

जलेऽविष्णु स्थलेऽविष्णुर्विष्णुपर्वतमस्तके । ज्वालामालकुलेऽविष्णु: सर्वं विष्णुमयं जगत ॥

॥ इति चंद्रनारद संवादे वुष्णुपंजरस्तोत्रम ॥




हयग्रीव संपदास्तोत्र


श्री श्रीशगुणदर्पणम

या सुगंधास्यनासादिनवद्वाराऽखिलेन या । दुराधर्षा सर्वसस्योदयार्थम या करीषिणी ॥

यानित्यपुष्टा सर्वांंन्गै: सौंदर्यादिगुणैरपि । ईश्वरीं सर्वभूतानां तामिहोपह्वये श्रियं ॥

मातर्लक्ष्मी नमस्तुभ्यं माधवप्रियमानिनि ।युवां विश्वस्य पितरावितरेरतयोगिनौ ॥

सुमना किल मातस्त्वममुना ततयोगिनी । मम नाथेन देवश्च विमनाश्च न स त्वयी ॥

त्वम वेदमानिनी वेदवेद्य:  किल स ते प्रिय: । त्वम मूलप्रकृतिदेवी स चादिपुरूष:किल ॥

यस्त्वामुरसि धत्तेऽम्ब कौस्तुभद्युतिभासिते ।स त्वाम् नैवाच्युत: सर्वस्यात्ययेऽसत्यपि त्यजेत ॥

देवी त्वम् ललनारत्नम् देवोसौ पुरुषोत्तम: । युवाम युवानौ सततम युवयोर्न वयोधिक: ॥

त्वम पद्मिनी पद्मवक्त्रा पद्माक्षी पद्मविष्ठरा । पद्मद्वयधरा पद्मकोशोद्यत्स्तनशोभना ॥

पद्महस्ता पद्मपादा पद्मनाभमन:प्रिया । पद्मोद्भवस्य जननी पद्मा च वरवर्णिनी ॥

अम्बाम पितांबरश्रोणीम लंबालकलसंमुखीम ।बिंबाधरोष्ठीम् कस्तूरिजंबालतिलकाम भजे ॥

रत्नोद्दीप्तसुमांगल्यसूत्राऽवृतशिरोधराम ।कुण्डलप्रभयोद्दण्डगण्डमंडिताम ॥

कूचकंचूकसंचारिहारनिष्कमनोहराम । काञ्चीकिञ्कणिमंजीरकञ्कणाद्यैरलंकृताम॥

सुवर्णमन्डपे रत्नचित्रसिंहासनोत्तमे । नमामि हरिणा साकमिंदिराम् कृतमंदिराम्॥

ब्रह्माद्या विबुधश्रेष्ठाब्रह्मणाद्या: सुरांगना :। याम पुजयंते सेवंते सा माम पातु रमा सदा ॥

सरवालंकारभरितौ सर्वज्ञौ सर्वसद्गुणौ । शर्वादिसर्वभक्तौघसर्वसर्वस्वदायकौ॥

सुमुखौ सुंदरतरौ सुनासौ सुखचित्तनू । सुराराधितपादाब्जौ रमानारायणौस्तुम: ॥

चतुष्कपर्दा या देवी चतुरास्यादिभि: स्तुता । चतुर्वेदोदितगुणा चतुर्मूर्तेर्हरे:प्रिया ॥

घृतप्रतीकाम् ताम् नित्यं घृतपूर्णान्नदयिनीम्। यथेष्टवित्तधात्रीम् च नतोस्म्यभयदाम् श्रियम ॥

वादिराजेन रचितम श्री श्रीशगुणदर्पणम । इमम स्तवम पठन मर्त्या: श्रीमान स्यान्नात्रसंशय: ॥

॥इति श्रीवादिराजपुज्यचरणयतीरचितम श्री श्रीसगुणदर्पणस्तोत्रम ॥


॥यंत्रोद्धारक हनुमत्स्तोत्रं ॥

नमामिदूतं रामस्य सुखदम् च सुरद्रमम । पीनवृत्तमहाबाहूं सर्वशत्रुनिवारणम ॥

नानारत्नसमायुक्तकुन्डलादिविराजितम । सर्वदाऽभिष्टदातारम् सताम् वै दृढमाहवे ।

वासीनं चक्रतीर्थस्य दक्षिणस्थगिरौ सदा ।तुंगांभोधितरंगस्य वातेन परिशोभिते ॥

नानादेशागतै: सद्भि:सेव्यमानं नृपोत्तमै: ।धूपदीपादिनैवेद्यै: पंचखाद्यैश्च शक्तित: ॥

भजामि श्रीहनुमंतम हेमकांतिसमप्रभं ।व्यासतीर्थयतींद्रेण पूजितम् च विधानत: ॥

त्रिवारं य: पठेन्नित्यम स्तोत्रम भक्तया द्विजोत्तम: । वांछितम लभतेऽभिक्ष्यणम षण्मासाभ्यंतरे खलु ॥

पुत्राऽर्थी लभते पुत्रम यशोऽर्थी लभते यश: । विद्याऽर्थी लभते विद्याम धनाऽर्थी लभते धनं ॥

सर्वथा माऽस्तु संदेहो हरी: साक्षी जगत्पति: । य: करोत्यत्र संदेहं स याति नरकं धृवम ॥

॥इति श्री व्यासराजविरचितम् यंत्रोद्धारक हनुमत स्तोत्रं ॥


॥सरस्वती द्वादशनाम स्तोत्रम् ॥

वाग्वाणी भारती ब्राह्मी भाषा गी: शारदा स्वरा । सरस्वती कामधेनु : वेदगर्भाऽक्षरात्मिका ॥

द्वादशैतानि नामानि सरस्वत्यास्त्रिसंधिशु । जपन् सर्वज्ञताम मेधां वाक्पटुत्वं लभेद्धृवम् ॥

षण्मासान्नि:स्पृहो लब्ध्वालभेज्ज्ञानमविमुक्तिदं ।

॥इति सरस्वती द्वादशनामस्तोत्रं॥


|गरुड़ द्वादशनाम स्तोत्रम् ।

सुपर्णम् वैनतेयम च नागारिम् नागभूषणम ।विषांतकम् शशांकम च आदित्यम विश्वतोमुखं ॥

गरुत्मंतं खगपतीं तार्क्ष्यंम् कश्यपनंदनम । द्वादशैतानि नामानि गरुडस्य महात्मना: ॥

य: पठेत प्रातरुत्थाय सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत । विषं नाक्रमते तस्य न तं हिंसति पन्नग: ॥

संग्रामे व्यवहारे च कार्यसिद्धींम् च मानव: । बंधनान्मुक्तिमाप्नोति यात्रायाम सिद्धिमाप्नुयात॥

कार्यसिद्धीम् कुरुष्वार्य विहगाय नमोस्तुते ॥

॥इति गरुड़द्वादशनाम स्तोत्रम ॥


॥ रुद्र द्वादशनाम स्तोत्रं ॥

प्रथमं तु महादेवं द्वितीयं तु महेश्वरं । तृतीयंशंकरं प्रोक्तं चतुर्थं वरषभध्वजं ॥

पंचमं कृत्तिवासं च षष्टं कामाञ्गनाशनं  ।सप्तमम् देवदेवेशम् श्रीकण्ठं चाष्टमम् तथा ॥

नवमम् तु हरं देवं दशमम् पार्वतीपतिं । रुद्रमेकादशंप्रोक्तं द्वादशं शिवमुच्यते॥

एतद्द्वादशनामानि त्रिसंध्यम् य: पठेन्नर:। गोघ्नश्चैव कृतघ्नश्च भ्रूणहा गुरुतल्पग: ॥

स्त्रीहत्याबालघातकश्चैव सुरापो वृषलीपति: ।सर्वम् नाशयते पापं शिवलोकं स गच्छति ॥

शुद्धस्फटिकसंकाशं त्रिनेत्रं चंद्रशेखरम् ।इंदुमण्डलमध्यस्थं वंदे देवं सदाशिवं ॥

॥ इति रुद्रद्वादशनाम स्तोत्रं संपूर्णम ॥

|| navagraha stotram ||

Bhasvanme bhasyet tatvam chandrshcha ahlaadkrudbhavet|Mangalomangalam dadhyatbudhascha budhatam dishet||Gururme  gurutam dadhyatkavishcha kavitam dishet|shanishcha sham prapyatu ketuh ketum jayerpayet||rahurme rahyedrogam grahah santu kargrahah| navam navam mamaishwaryam dishantvete navagrahah||shane dinamaneh suno svanekgunsanmane|arishtam haramebhishtam kuru ma kuru sankatam|| hareranugraharthaya shatrunam nigrahaya cha vadiraj yatiproktam graha stotram sada pateth||









Jananat Purvam Pitru maran yoga: The story of Parikshit

Sun in eigth twelfth or sixth , eigth lord with ninth , twelfth lord in lagna and sixth lord in fifth ,such a person ‘s father will have died before his birth .

Duryodhan fell on the ground ,he was troubled by dogs and wolves ,which were preying on his wounded body . Just then Ashwaththama alongwith Kritavarma and Kripacharya came near him , looking the plight of Duryodhan Ashwaththama was deeply moved and asked Duryodhan if he can do anything for him : Duryodhan asked Ashwaththama to produce a child through his wife and install him on the throne after killing all the sons of Pandavas .To bind ashwaththama to is words , he took the dust on the ground on poured it onto ashwaththama to give him Deeksha to his actions . Ashwaththama accepted .

Just then Ashwaththama saw an owl killing many crows , inspired by this He decided he can kill single handedly all the remaining people and Pandavas . He went towards the Pandavas camp , there He saw Rudra himelf guarding the camp , he fought with Rudra . [ Ashwaththama is Rudravatara , how could he fight himself , for this Acharya says this is akin to suicide where a person tries to kill himself ]

All the weaopons fired by ashwaththama Rudra promptly swallowed it . Vexed Ashwaththama performed Manas Yagnya and offered himself in the Yagnya , Pleased RUdra let him through the camp and took away BHeemsena’s son from Kalidevi by name Sharvatrat with him to Rudraloka [ because Kalidevi’s father Kashi Raja had prayed Rudra that his grandson should be one without death , as ashwaththama would kill all the Pandava sons and Krishna wanted Parikshit to assume throne , Rudra took him to heavens with him , Sharvatrat is still surviving son of Bheemasen ]

Aswaththama went into camp and Dhrishtadhyumna was sleeping , he kicked him , Dhrishtadhyumna seeing his death near pleaded Ashwaththama to give him time to get hold of his sword so that he can have veermaran , but Ashwaththama said good death is for good people and not for Guruhatya or Brahmaghati , he deserves death like animal . Ashwaththama dragged Dhrishtadhyumna and slit his throat .But before his head could fall off , Dhristadhyumna left the body through Yoga and reached agni loka [ he was incarnation of Agni]

Ashwaththama then kiled his brothers Shikhandi , yudhamanyu , Uttamataijas , janmayjay . Then he killed all the sons of Pandavas .To kill all the remaining people in the camp he torched the camp with fire . All those who came out of the camp in panick were killed by Kripacharya and Kritavarma at the enterance .

Dhristadhyumna’s Sarathi escaped in the night and told Bheemasen , Bheemasen went after Ashwaththama , Ashwaththama ran towards the forest but after he felt running would be of no use , He stooped and used Bramhastra .

Krishna the lord has already set the order that Bramhastra would never go waste and at the same time Krishn also never lets Bheemasen to be ever Lose battle . So in this situation both could not be possible , so he asked Arjun to counter Bramhastra with another Bramhastra with a sankalpa that let this pacify astra , safeguard guruputra ashwaththama , all the Pandavas and the world in general .

Ashwaththama had sankalpa of bramhastra that i kill the Pandavas , Nakul Sahadev had no knowledge of this Astra leaving astra on those who are not aware would also harm the one who uses it ie ashwaththama . Thus Arjun made sankalpa that it safeguard Guruputra Ashwaththama also [ so kind of Arjun] , he safeguareded self brothers , when two astras collide it brings harm to world also thus he also made sankalpa to safeguard world .

Yet even after all this care the astras would have caused more harm to the surrounding , thus Shri Vedvyasa appeared in between the two Astras . temporarly holding it , Vedavyasa said earlier also there were people who were knowers of Astra but they never used such irresponsibly , Arjun said I have used in distress , Ashwaththama also said the same .Then Vedvyasa asked to withdraw the astras . Arjun took back the astra but Ashwaththama could not take it back .

Krishna said even being Kshatriya Arjun had conserved Bramhacharya but Ashwathama though being Bramhachari had ost his bramhacharya [ by giving word of raising son in Duryodhan’s wife] . thus he faied to take back astra .

Arjun though married waas bramhachari How? [ After marriage if one copulates with wife leaving ashtami tithi chatushtaya parvakala remains a bramhachari]

Vedvyasa asked Ashwaththama to atleast change his Sankalpa to safeguard Uttara’s womb . Ashwaththama refused out of anger . Srikrishna then said I have already made up my mind to get the Pandavas[ their sons] rule the earth for 1000 years , so even if your astra is used I shall get the son in Uttara [ Abhimanyu’s wife] womb to Survive . Thus Lord cast a protective spell around the womb , this spell was Lord himself protecting the child in the womb . Inside the womb child used to alweays inspect with curiosity as to who tghis strange person is who is protecting me . This curious inspection of his led him to be called ” PARIKSHIT” one who has been inspected [ tried tested ]thoroughly . Parikshit was born after the death of his Father Abhimanyu and was installed on the Throne of Hastinapur as successor to Yudhisthir after 36 years of Rule By BHEEMASEN [ As guided by Krishna ] which was akin to RamRajya .

Vedvyasa cursed Ashwatththama to suffer from bad odour of wounds till one thousand years and then return to NARAYANASHRAM resuming the shishyatve of Vedavyasa and then in the next cycle be born as VYASA to bifurcate VEDAS.


Maranam – Elimination through incantation !

What a Kshatriya achieves through the power of his arms and weapons , a bramhin should achieve through the power of his learning and mantrashakti.

When enemy physically tries to attack , and when there is no other option to save the self , then unwittingly bramhin resorts to maran.

Saturn in house of mars [weak ] aspected by mars and gulika [mars being in the navamsa of cancer or jupiter ] the person is killed by abhichara .

Bring the deepagni or dhoopagni of the enemy and begin the Abhichara . Maran karma should not usually accompany the sacrifice of kravya . With the neem oil dipped feather of crow or owl ,homa should be performed by chanting continuously ” enam daray, enam shoshay , enam maray ” then going to the rear of the kunda ,invoke a kritya and chant ” yo me ch kantakam duraadduram va chantikeapi ch pibataddyamsruk ” within 9 days enemy dies a miserable death .

A yantra with ” swaha maray hum amuk hrim phat ” if worn in neck on Tuesday kills enemies if the following mantras ” chandalini kamakhya vasini vandurge klim klim thah swaha ” has been made siddhi .

if not used on appropriate enemies it kills the one who invokes.

Vishvamitra created a Rakshas [kritya ] with his mantra shakti and sent it to kill only surviving Son of Vashishtha Shaakti Rishi [ father of Parashar muni] . Rakshas killed Shakti muni in absence of Vashishtha , when Shakti was in meditation .

When Parashar knew about this through his friends , he started a vedic homa to remove entire Rakshas clan in the universe. Slowly all the rakshasas fell in the homa kunda one by one and the Homa went on for a year long . when all the Rakshasas were slowly getting extinguished , Rishi Pulastya and pulaha were deeply disturbed by the genocide of their clan . Pulastya went to rishi vashishtha to pacify his grandson .

Sage Vashishtha appeared before Parashar and addressed him thus ” Oh grandson , regain your calm and put aside the hatred and anger in you . Hatred and anger does not suit a Bramhin . All the human beings on this earth reap their fruits by the virtue of their previous karma . No one kills the other by his own self will , its the purvajanma karma that kills the person , My son Shakti also died because of his purvajanma karma and not by the Rakshas . Rakshas was just an instrument . So setaside your anger on Rakshas jati and stop this yagnya . May good senses prevail on you and let Shanti [ peace be setin into your heart] .”

Taking the words of the Grandfather as an order , Parashar stops this yagnya giving relief to the Rishi Pulastya , Pulastya then says ” Oh Paraashar , having stopped this yagnya at out behest and through the words of Vashishtha , we are all relived and we give you a boon that may all the shastras be realized by you easily and may you be the Puran pravakta for the ages to come , let every purana be your Lore ., let there be a siddhi to you for all the words of vedas and vedanmga and let Lord be born to you as your Son and be the light for the world through his wisdom . Let this all be known as the words of Parashar , as a result of which let the shastras be always alight in your heart as Lord dwell in heart as Gnyana , May he be visible to you in your heart”

Happy with the boons , Parashar stopped the yagnya leaving the remaining Rakshas to save their lineage . All these were recollected by Parashar when Maitreya put the question to Parashar about the beginning of Universe .



Mercury with mandi or gulika aspected by mars in badhak sthana will make one suffer from abhichara dosha .

Enemies resort to abhichara when they cannot harm a person through wits and schemes . Abhichara acts only through purva janma yoga . When a person is having a good phase of time abhichara does not affect him but affects in due course when bad times strike.

It will not be an exaggeration if a statement is made to the effect that 90 % of the people in the world are affected by abhichara .

Sometimes a very good family with happy ties and bonds suddenly fall prey to internal mishaps and severe enmities . Brothers suddenly stop talking to each other . Two families eager to tie knots to their siblings stop conversing and worst become severe enemies. Two most loving couples fall prey to misunderstandings and stay apart for long time .

though in all such cases there is longing for reunion but when they come across face to face a moment of rashness destroys their peace attempts unknowingly they drift away from and lament later .

All these times all these people keep sighing If only …….

These are all definite signs of abhichara being applied onto the people by enemies . Vidweshan is powerful form of abhichara which brings two people at war . Then maran is applied to kill all the parties involved . This is tamas vidya and should not be adhered to even in extreme danger .

Vidweshan can be cast , when teeth of elephant and lion powdered and mixed with butter if applied onto two people they will become enemies forever .

homa between two houses with malati flowers can cause vidweshan . however vidweshan mantra should be made sidhdha with two falcons in each hand .

Enemies are constantly in effort to separate good friends , brothers and lovers . etc . To avoid these one must always protect self from sudarshan mantra and Hanuman kavach .

When Yudhisthir put on gamble bait his brothers , Duryodhan exclaimed to Bheema , ” hey Bheem and Arjun , deplore your elder brother , who has treated you like objects and I shall grant you the freedom “

Bheem says , even now Yudhisthir is very dear and respectable to us . He has every right onto all of us and whole of Indraprastha . nothing wrong in putting us on bait as son is the property of the father , elder brother is akin to father , to obey is our duty . We do not seek freedom you , as an order from Yudhisthir will be enough to release Him from your clutches as I send you to the clutches of Yama . “

The attempt by Duryodhan to create Vidweshan through mantras given by durvasa and Shukracharya did not have any effect on Bheemsen . As Bheemsen was reciting Manyusukta . Even while killing Duryodhan Bheemsen recited Vrushabh sukta as Duryodhan was chanting 3 crores of mantras all at once onto Bheemsena .. This goes on to show that one must always protect oneself from enemies .

In Ramayana Agastya muni asks Lord Shri Rama as to how he manages to keep his siblings so dear to him , how come there never has been a squabble between them and why when enemies in this world are always attempting to dismantle a family harmony , what is a secret to his happy family . Shri Rama says . Kshama is the only mantra for keeping the family intact , one must always forgive severest of severest mistakes of brother and he will ever remain loving to the all . Else a small angry rift will make enemies take advantage and sow seeds of enmity among brothers . That is the reason why Rama did not kill Vali at the first instance giving a chance to the siblings to come to terms as brothers are naturally born of same blood and hence sibling fraternity can arouse any moment . One must never fight with younger brothers and treat them like one’s own son .


Vashikaran – The story of Chitrasena

When Venus and moon are in libra one indulges in vashikarana to attract other women.

  • Punarnava root brought in pushyami nakshatra ,if enchanted with sarvalokvashankar mantra seven times and tied on the arm will make one easily attract others . [ the mantra should have been made siddha upto lakh times ]
  • fruit , flower , bark ,leaves , twig , brought on a sunday ,powdered and mixed with karpoor kumkum and gorochan , applied on forehead will attract others.
  • first kamakhya mantra should be practised , then bramhadandi powder mixed with corpse ashes when applied on any person he becomes subservient
  • teeth of neelgay and human when powdered with oil and applied on forehead will bring to toes most difficult of spouse.
  • Bhaskar mantra chanting on kumkum chandan and karpoor with tulasidal in cows milk , applied on forehead will make a king obey to your words.
  • chirchira seeds on pushyami nakshatra if given to king in his ood will make him grant all wishes .
  • Yakshini mantras practised well with japa and homa , chanted on a banana juice mixed with sweat and gorochan will make ones husband always be enchanted .
  • kalika mantra chanted on crossroads for 1 lakh times makes all and sundry enchanted.

Once Indra was tiored of all his wealth and power , he decided to renounce the world and decided to strive for moksha. He went to Kailash parvat and started serving Parvati and Rudra there . oNe day while serving them he sawa beautiful woman . She was Chitrasena , wife of Kubera . Indra lost his senses to her beauty .

Indra called Manmath and ordered him to get Chitrasena to swoon over him . Manmath with his bow of Sugarcane and arrow of flowers caused intense passion in Chitrasena to be attracted to Indra . Indra pulled her into his arms and took her into his plane to a place never known to Devatas and asuras inside the kandara of Mandar parvat .

There he personally looked after the beautiful chitrasena enchanting her with every happiness of the swarga .

Here Kubera became totally devasted at the news of his missing wife from mansarovar. He decided to commit suicide . His minister Kantha kubja advised him not to loose heart and look for his wife and seek her release from the unknown thief . He adised him to take the help of Vibheeshan his brother .

Kubera went to Vibheeshan and in loneliness told him of his plight , Vibheeshan called his most able Rakshashi Nadijangha , who was expert in maya to look for the wife of Kubera , chitrasena among all the devatas and asuras in the world.

Nadijangha tooka a beautiful form , such a form that no one could keep his eyes off her and swooned to possess her .

Soon she reached Amaravati . Indra saw her and desired to possess her . He sent Ashvini devatas to get her to his chamber . Ashwini devatas pleaded her to be with their king Indra . She asked them to briong Indra himself to her to please her and she would not go to him,.

Indra came to the beautiful women . She said she would like Indra to fulfill her wish and only then take her to his palace. Indra gave her a word. Nadijangha asked , she would like Indra to introduce her to all the women he has enjoyed till date , to see if any of them is as beautiful as she is ? only then she would oblige Him . Indra agreed .

He showed her entire Amravati and all his palaces . Nad then said I have one more in madar parvat , I shall show you but you must not tell anyone about it . So both set out towards Mandar in aplane . While flying , Indra [ posessed by Kali ] happened to befront Narad muni , he became shy in the presence of muni , but Narad playfully asked , “Indra is everything Okay in Amravati , and how about you Nadijangha , Is Vibheeshana doing fine “

Indra immediately understanding the deciet of NADIJANGHA , TOOK HER DOWN INTO THE FOREST , and was about to kill her . The forest belonged to the muni Trinabindu , Muni objected to killing of woman in his ashram . But Indra disregarding Muni Killed her . Trinabindu cursed Indra to become a woman . Indra became a woman instantly .

All the devatas worried about ther king in a womans body , went to Bramha to seek his release . Bramha told except Vishnu none will be capable of relieving Indra for his misdeeds . All the devatas , went to Mandar and sent back Chiterasena to Kubera and asked Bramha to give some mantra to relieve Indra from the body of woman .Bramha advised two lakhs japa of Astakshara mantra . Indra practisede ashtakshara and was relieved from muni shapa and became male again to Rule over Swarga.






Mantras and Remedies

Most people feel mantras are magical cantation that will yield all the wishes. Is it really so. What are mantras ? how they act ? who gives results on behalf of mantra? what discretion exists in getting results?

Mantra is a secret arrangement of syllables ,governed by mantra purusha ,adhidevata,chandas and rishi.Nyasa sets the adhidevata into the body to create the kavach for the body. [this entails the asana purification ,driving away negative forces external,pranayama to cleanse and strengthen mind , digbandhana to restrict disturbing forces].This is called being mantrapoot.

The disturbing forces ,negative forces ,impurity of seat and mind ,these exist everywhere naturally by the order of Shiva. that means ,disturbance ,negativity ,impurity are bound to occur if one does not take care of it.Adhidevta cannot be set by mere physical exercise of nyasa. It can be set only with purity[gradually acquired by practice ] . Adhidevata sets pretext to Mantramoorty to occupy the heart of the sadhak. This mantramoorthy is described by the dhyana and is under the control of rishi of the mantra . Rishi’s blessings occur with chandas moorthy only when Mantra upadeshta [guru] is fully impressed with the disciple.

When the above conditions are fully followed ,then mantra activates for a sadhak. Even at this stage it is not potent to give results.Potency comes only when one recites mantra a Z= [number of aksharas X 1 lakh] times the mantra. This has to be followed by Z/10 tarpana [ to both rishi as well as devata] and then followed by homa of Z/100 ahutis followed by Z/1000 Bramhana bhojana and dana.

All this has to be performed in one go.without anger ,greed and desire for the undesirable and yogic food and happiness and content in mind. Any lapse would nullify the effect. Thus at the end Mantrapurush accompanys the Sadhak , It is this Mantra purusha who fufills the wishes and not the mantra. Mantra Purusha immediately leaves in case of lapse of regulatory life style by sadhak or on account of sins. Somya mantras have cool Purusha , Ugra Mantras have agitated Purusha. These harm[punish] the Sadhak if a lapse occurs .

In today’s times , the points are impossible to follow for a normal person ,thus mantras always brings ill luck and troubled times.Those who do not indulge in these lead normal life. The former invites trouble ,the latter is free.

Mantra can be given by those who have completed Z times of chanting in single go . others are not eligible to give mantras.Mantra purusha definitely punishes those who transgress the rules. Mantra is a double edged sword that can end in HARAKIRI.

At the same time anything in this three worlds can be obtained by Mantras.

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